Sunday, December 28, 2008
LOL not jackie chan la. the one beside. :D
lol watching new police story, then got this guy called Xie ting feng. omgggggg. so hot can? hahas :)
went to my cousins house today, for christmas :D i got nail polish from them. omg orange! i also asked my mummy to buy me earrings from minibits, cause we were getting my cousins prezzies from there too. so yea, thanks alot mum (: some pics everyone.

oh yea, my fringe is short now. nice anot? hahas will update again soon. wanna go to the countdown anyone? but i going to watch fireworks only, not the show. :D till then.
what we could have been, 8:21:00 PM.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Still in christmas mood? New year's coming yo!
finally got my new com, felt that i should change my skin. :D
dont really know how to use this mac yet, but my com has the same name as me! okay, you guys may not know, but my parents calls me apple, so i share a similarity with my com~ lol lameness.
okay, will update more when i figure out how to upload stuff to my com. till then. ._.
still dunno how to change skin! O.O
Labels: anyone out there for me?
what we could have been, 9:53:00 PM.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas everyone!
yesterday's 1E2's reunion chalet rocked to the core man! @.@ Alson, Bernhard, Boyuan, Christmin, Chuanwah, Delis, Jephthah, Kiansing, Sylvia, Zhenyu.. aiya sorry if i left out any names. oh ya, Sylvia's Bf, Yiwen came too, but he used to be in 1E2 also can. like omg fated or something.
waited outside dumbly for hours to wait for the arrival of everyone, just to realise that we cant check in without someone above 18. sheesh man! so we waited again and by the time we could go in, it was around 4 plus or 5 plus(?), not sure. Chionged to start fire and bbq, and i have to say, Sylvia the dad make the chickenwing marinate is super, duper AWESOME. its like, freaking tasty la. i confirm ate alot of those O.O
no choice ma, just pierced my ears again the day before, thus didnt dare to eat prawns and sotong. walao eh, i ask to buy the sotong one lor! >.< can you imagine how i felt when i happily took a packet of cooked sambal sotong, and opened the aluminium foil, Oh so gently, and when i was about to pick one up with my fork and devour the sotong, i suddenly recalled my piercings. DAMN. the sotong and prawns, were so near yet so far..
oh yea, thankyou chuanwah for my drink!
he asked me, ' eh liying, you want go out and get a drink?'
then i was like, ' u sponser ah? i got no money liao lei'
and he was like, ' okay lor. '
woohoo! thanks to him i got a free can of carlsberg. :D though boyuan attempted to snatch from me, he only got little! hahas :D:D
sad point is, Bernhard is taller than me, and Christmin got so much skinnier!
okay la. sad for me. O.O need to start losing weight! -.-
whatever. will update again soon, once i get my new lappy! :D
Labels: have myself a merry little christmas now..
what we could have been, 12:22:00 AM.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
hellohello people!
wtf i need to change my blog and url soon, sorry for so long. my com crash, still have repair.. think gonna get a pink vaio, not sure yet..
holy shit, just realised i lost more or less or of my homework, and there is like, 2 more weeks till next year? O.O
will update blog more often when i get my new com. :]
except i dunno when i will get it ._.
well.. anyway, rebekah now at my house, knitting like an ahma :D i learning lor, see she knit until like very pro like that.. dunno what will come out of it, cause i dont have alot of patience. hmm..
pepper is doing well, becoming fatter as i speak. hahas he very glutton lor. but okay la, he look cuter when he is fat. (:
aiya, dunno what to blog liao la.. using my mum's com, cnt upload any pics, or anything at all..
till next time then. ^^
what we could have been, 5:41:00 PM.