Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
EOY in 14 DAYS! omfg!!

hahas now i mugging in sch, then about to go for lunch alr, so im blogging. (:
nothing to blog about also actually. just wanna wish everyone .
GOODLUCK FOR EOY!hahas yep, we shall all work hard, HAND IN HAND! :D
waitwait, dun go.
i want rant about someone la.
last week suaysuay kena my favourite teacher in BENDEMEER ( read on to guess la ), like wtf lor. i that day on MC somemore, go back just for the lit play la. then kena caught. NABEI. was like sian ji pua, when she told me next day go attire check.
All my skirts above knee one what, whose isn't. -.-
so i wore that, tied my hair neat neat, then go see her. She sae okay can go.
Next day, go see her again. then she give me fucker attitude. she sae, skirt too short, go DC room unhem now.
i was like, wtf... *stone there*
i was so fucking pissed off. yea thats right, PISSED OFF!
whatever. i walk away.
she confirm next monday come find me one la, my class still sit beside hers during flag raising.
yea, im scolding FUCK. one post scold so many alr. what can u do? CANE ME AH? _|_
nabei she is such a fucker. i think on that day she pissed off or kena boyfriend dump la.
nvm, i wish u never get one anyway. HE WILL SUAY DAO! O.O
what we could have been, 2:36:00 PM.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
tagged by yongkiong. _|_
1 Where would you go if someone sponsors u an air ticket??- Australia and Europe. :)#2 What's your favourite thing to do?- bitch about yongkiong. _|_#3 Do you think money can buy happiness?- not technically. but it can buy comfort.#4 If you were given a chance to receive something, what would it be?- love, true friendship. i can live without health. (:#5 things you can't live without?- money, my mp3, my phone, my laptop, my storybook :D#6 what are u afraid to lose?- everything.#7 if you win $1 million dollars, what will u do?- go shopping la DUH. :D:D:D#8 what do u dream of doing in the future?- being Deejay! :D but of course not in class 95 or chinese one la. -.-#9 list down 3 good points about the person who gave u this survey:- he will anywhere with me :)
- he supports me in whatever i do.
- he forces me to study ( thats goodright? )
#10 what makes u happy?- i dunno.#11 what type of person u hate most?- hypocrites, bitches, and my ex friend.#12 if u have a super power, what would it be?- blast everyone i hate to outer space : aka AWAW :D#13 would u go for happiness or money?- both can anot? one leads to another.#14 who do u think is the most important people in ur life??- no idea.#15 if u have a girlfriend, will u die for her?- if she is my good girlfriend, i may :D#16 who's the last person who hugged you?
- Divya, just now before i left sch (:#17 what is the one thing u want to do badly now?- go shopping#18 who are u close to?- me, myself and i #19 are u courageous enough to the person that u like?- i dunno.#20 if u could do one thing all over again, wad would it be?- i really dunno.7 things that scare u:- cockroach, i dunno.7 things that u like the most:- chocolate- money- my mp3- moomoo, mama, meemee, momo (:- the chubby mother fucker that live in 811, watch digimon, eat and eat and eat, then now sitting here call me write his name. -.-- yk and L.- my friends (:(not in order)7 important things in my room:- my laptop- mp3- Bed- Air-con- My clothes- my phone
- books :D
7 random facts about me:- got fucked up attitude (:- jealous(but not as much as yk lor)- petty (still lesser than yk^^)- im skinnier than the chubby mama fucker- sociable- im fat ( i admit u bloody annoymous :D )- i love singing (:7 things i plan to do before i die:- One love relationship that lasts- realise my ambition- My friends to be happy- Be happy- have a dog :D
- go to the right poly course i want (:- get an awesome wardobe7 things u are attracted to in the opposite sex:- Caring- Thoughtful- Considerate- Understanding- Romantic- Smart, sensitive- Love me!7 things i always say:- Sorry- Thank you- HAHA- Fuck- Attitude- Irritating- Kukups : i remove the tag part, remove others from this agony. :)
ohohohoh fuckk. 16 days to EOY. -.-
what we could have been, 9:13:00 PM.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
You Are 48% Jealous

You're a fairly jealous person, but it's nothing to beat yourself up about.
A little jealousy is perfectly normal, though sometimes you take it a little far.
Recognize when jealousy is taking over your life, and try to hold back your impulses.
You'll be a better (and happier) person for it!
How Jealous Are You?oh wow. -.- what is this. i thought i was a much more jealous person. hmm oh well.
Your Beauty Element is Water

Feminine and dreamy, your beauty style is classic and very vintage.
But you never look out of style! You have a way of making classic looks modern again.
What's Your Beauty Element?
Your Pirate Name Is...

Lieutenant-Colonel Mary No Beard
What's Your Pirate Name?
You Are 42% Independent

Overall, you're a pretty independent woman. You don't follow trends just to fit in.
You've got your own cool thing going on, though you sometimes still care too much about what other's think.
The Only Thing You Play is "Cool"

It's not that you don't have the skills to juggle a few men
Nope, you just lack the desire.
You prefer dating to be a simple one on one process.
No games, no other people, no drama - just you and the guy you're getting to know.
You Are a Normal Girl

You are 50% Good and 50% Bad
Sure you've pulled some bad girl stunts in your past.
But these days, you're (mostly) a good girl.
How You Are In Love

You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.
In relationships, you tend to be a bit selfish.
You need your space and privacy. You don't like to be smothered.
You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.
You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.
omg. the last quiz is so, so true.
what we could have been, 2:41:00 PM.
Friday, September 05, 2008
hahahas, im laughing like this baby! :D

i found some lame people commenting on Jan and my blog, which are so lame and uncalled for. :)
For the anonymous on Jan's blogyou dunno how to photoshop, or u hate photoshop for god knows what reason, or u are living in serious self denial and thinking you are oh so pretty and slim, and of course perfect, excuse me. :D
i mean, you not happy with photoshop then is
YOUR pasar (problem) what. go Jan blog make noise for what? and still got ppl must shoot Chewyen? this is so hilarious. busybodies like these remind me of ahmas and aunties in wet markets. hahas!
hmm, you dun like photoshop, is it then u must go find trouble with everyone using photoshop? oh my. you must be pretty busy then huh. :) poor thing, you wanna drink in case u get thirsty for making so much noise? (: mymy, maybe you are reading this? im sorry im kinda wasting ur time ain't i? oh my, you better get a move on then. :D or maybe u can just go to your room and cry, cause nobody likes you, or u are simply living in self denial. :D

oh, so im suppose to be gloomy cause someone said me fat? hahas i dun think so. :) i FAT. yes i admit.
so what man? so what?
i mean, if your eyes hurt, go see a doctor or something. if seeing my blog hurts your eyes so much, then why do you still come? don't you have better things to do? like think, maybe you have fat too? JUST MAYBE? hahas! :D
i mean, everyone has fat, just depends who has more. dun tell me you have no fat okay anonymous, cause if you don't, when u run, your heart will be swinging like a pendulum in your body. -.- so, technically, sad to break it to you anonymous, you have fat too. :)
so, maybe you can step out of your little self denial world and see, that maybe, just maybe, that nobody's perfect.
Labels: woah what is going on in this world man?
what we could have been, 4:51:00 PM.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
ya la my blog is so dead, i know. got some virus, then my dad recently came back, so got my com reformatted and stuffs. haiz. had to redownload alot of stuff. BLOODY HELL.
yea like finally i blogged alr. today the post about alot of photos ah, so yeap, alot of events. :D
i dunno how others feel, but i see the the judge look so happy, thought maybe i haven give my 100%, i gave most of my effort alr, so yeap, i hope we get a merit lor. *cross fingers*
lazy to upload the ABRSM photos, next post huh. :) only this was taken today, and i save from jan's blog cause sje updated too. ( eh see i help u publicise okay! :P )

okay this is some random shot of my cousin. :D

HAPPY BELATED TEACHERS' DAY !okay i know i abit laggg. O.O hahas nvm la okay. :D

siewping they all got cake for the teachers, so lets eat cake! :D

look at the glutton beside me. she eat like siao la! hahas O.O
okay below pictures from the teachers day / aces day / be yourself day celebration. :D
went plaza sing with Shuyi, Christine, Jan and met Joey and Shiyun! :) walked to FAR EAST together.

now i know why they call it far east. CAUSE ITS DAMN FAR! -.-

hahas i dug out some older photos, during a practical did recently in F&N. cooked laksa. O.o
*eye open big big*
eh i can cook one hor! :P

Alson's Laksa


some meesiams from seri and friends :)

and then i found some photos when i went to Boyuan's house RECENTLY also. hahas xD
to download some game for PSP. and in then end didn't. WTFFFF.


this is Boyuan's horny dog.
and when i was leaving, i saw these!

and i realised something! Boyuan, TAY BO YUAN, is so bloody tall. and all, i mean ALL (!) his mirrors are only a little taller than me! like wtf! no wonder he stop growing tall alr la. bend down too much for his mirrors. :D
hahas well i finally finish my post alr. dug up so much photos, uploaded them, but lazy to blog nia. hahaahs :D well i gotta start studying alr! its like, holidays ending! OMGG.
Labels: wheres the love?
what we could have been, 10:48:00 PM.