HEY everyone! :D
yep my blog is dying alr, can see. wellwell. sorry for not updating for so long, its cause of the damn common test week. =.=
this picture proves i mugged hard for SS okay. i'd better pass it.

my gosh, i think im falling hard for starbucks! :D kuku la me. i hate and i love starbucks. =.= DAMN. burns a big big hole in my pocket one leh. but. ITS AWESOME. CARAMEL FRAPPE IS AWESOME!!! :D:D:D

Thanks for mugging with me Chuanwah :D

if u compare chocolate cream chip with caramel frappe, i advise u with caramel frappe. well, except if u really love very super creamy chocolate, where u can taste the cream more than the chocolate. :)

took this after mugging for SS that day.
i know, i know. all these are from like eons ago. okay! it IS from EONS ago. :P *grins*
well, i have been pretty busy with preparing for a singing competition and all, plus the national day thingy with the choir that i have to do this weekend.
So thankful that next week there is E - Learning, plus long weekend for the national day. can rest after so many things and prepare for EOY. also, FINALLY first class is coming out already. :D has everyone seen the commercials? looks hilarious yea? ^^ *excited already*
well, gotta go sleep alr. goodnights (:
Labels: you left me speechless and disappointed
what we could have been, 10:32:00 PM.
hello my dear readers :D
i think my blog is so dead lor. thanks to the common test, i haven't got much time to update cause i mug at night :P so yea lor.
today got some form thingy from miss chan. sian lurh. >.<

my mum gave me this japanese looking bill, which turned out to be...


This bar of chocolate! :D i love the markings on the chocolate ^^
anyway, yesterday almost the whole class didn't bother to bring or change into their PE attire,
WHOLE class got DC. HAHAHAH! :P i know its not supposed to be funny la, but look at the pics below. the dc room BURST i tell u. HAHA :P

yep spent 2 precious hours of my life sitting there, numbing my poor butt, and couldn't mug cause it was so bloody hot. >.<

hahas yep i abit lag la, update a few days ago stuff. :P
these chocolate are amazing i tell you. I LOVE IT.

but i've got to sae, its damn expensive la. WALAO EH! one bar like that, for milk chocolate is $3 (i bought) and dark chocolate is $3.50 (evelyn, jan bought). OH YA!. btw, i want to thank Mr Glenn tan for buying a bar for us. :D AWESOMENESS!
aiya i want to go sleep alr la. shall update soon i hope. :P
what we could have been, 10:08:00 PM.
hahas my blog is seriously rotting again :P
cnt believe im blogging in the midst of common test. :D aiya im so kuku =.=
well the pics are taken during the break during tuition ^^

heh i think recently i have a fetish for pinning up my fringe. hmm dunno why also. i feel like cutting bangs leh, should i? comeon give me opinions thanks xD

my godbrother yongkiong :D

my lover JAN LIM :D i love her^^

my second lover , EVELYN FOO :D

see how hard i am mugging ^^
my god im so sian. haiz. anyway...
love you lots my dearest divya! :D have a sweet 15 ^^
what we could have been, 9:08:00 PM.
1. The person who last tag you is: TBY2. Your relationship with him/her is: Friend.3. Your five impression of him/her:- Kuku?- Botak?- Irritating?- Friendly- Caring friend.4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you:Let me always touch his botak head :D5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you:He called me Koong. =.=6.If he/she become your lover, you will:ohmygod? LOL! impossible he like someone! :D7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be:WTF?! i thought i said it was impossible! O.o8. If he/she become your enemy, you will:I hope not, he is irritating as a fren alr. :D9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be:HIS attitude problem. HAHAHA copy from him one :P10. The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is:Pray that his hair never grow back so i can forever touch a botak head. :D HAHAHA!11. Your overall impression of him/her is:An irritating person? =.=12. How you think people around you will feel about you?:omg. i have attitude problem. >.<13. The characters you love of yourself are:Always be there when my loveones need me. :D14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are:Hoping everything could go my way.15. The most ideal person you want to be is:I'm not sure. No one is perfect.16. For people that care and like you, say something to them:Thanks you very very much.17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you:1)Alson2)Boyuan3)Jan4)Evelyn5)Sylvia6)Sheela7)Kiansing8)Sohwynn9)Susanna10)Siewping18.Who is no.6 having relationship with?(Sheela) With Mr Chin. hahas :D19. Is no.9 a male or female?(Susanna) Definitely a female.20. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?(Kiansing&Siewping) Holy mama! cnt imagine O.O22. What is no.2 studying about?(Boyuan) About the same as me.23. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?(Jan) Just hours ago.24. What kind of music band does no.8 like?(Sohwynn) Hmm, songs by celine dion? Not very sure.25. Does no.1 have any siblings?(Alson) No.26. Will you woo no.3?(Jan) I might if i was a male! hahas ^^27. How about no.7?(Kiansing) What about no?28. Is no.4 single?(Evelyn) How about yes? :D29. What is the surname of no.5?(Sylvia) WEE. (:30. What 's the hobby of no.4?(Evelyn) Singing, shopping, camwhoring :D31. Does no.5 and 9 get along well?(Sylvia&Susanna) Yep i guess.32. Where is no.2 studying at?(Boyuan) My school lurh. =.=33. Talk something casually about no.1:(Alson) Chubby funny guy :D34. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?(Sohwynn) hmm no. cnt imagine it happening :P35. Where does no.9 live at?(Susanna) i dunno?36. What colour does no.4 like?(Evelyn) oh shoot i dunno. hmm blue? oh god >.<37. Are no.5 and 1 best friend?(Sylvia&Alson) ABU-THEN? both chubby and cute!40. Does no.1 have any pets?(Alson) YES! many cats and one noisy bitch. (seriously he owns a female dog that barks alot =.= )41. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?(Kiansing) omg yea, definitely, if you were asking me about sexy drooling bulldogs. =.= yea right. 42. What is no. 10 doing now?(Siewping) I dunno? LOLDone.1)ALSON 2)BOYUAN 3)JAN 4)EVELYN 5)SYLVIA 6)SHEELA 7)KIANSING 8)SOHWYNN 9)SUSANNA 10)SIEWPING
what we could have been, 9:24:00 PM.