tmr going to discovery centre! :D kinda excited about it ^^
i seriously need rest man. have been very busy and all for the past month, and now i have to rush for the stupid common test that is coming on the 15th july. crapp man. i am so desperate to sleep the whole day now i cnt even use words to describe. O.o
life is back to the boring and seriously dull stage again, where im just a normal student studying for the sake of exams and all. since SYF and filming ended, there is this big loophole in my life that writes "entertainment". that loophole is so freakishly empty and im desperate to fill it up. hmm.
kinda sorry that this post has no pictures, cause my life has become freakishly dull i guess. this post shall end abruptly here as im gonna sleep.
what we could have been, 9:06:00 PM.
hello my darling readers!
well, i went for filming today, and it was tiring. i suddenly remembered that i have not posted the sentosa outing with Rebekah's picture, so i am putting it on now. enjoy! :D

hehe yea its kinda little, as we went to rent the canoe that day, went to watch the tuck of war, and the cleo's big swimshoot. hehs it was awesome to see around 400++ ladies in bikinies lying there to form the word CLEO. exciting :D
yesterday was the official grand opening of the SYF 2008.
hahas yea i think our choir is pretty awesome ain't we? if you guys were one of the audiences there, you would think so too. (:
im already starting to miss all the fun and the atmosphere of the performance. im sure everyone misses it too! now school is rushing us for the bloody common test that is coming up on the 15 of july! holy crap lurh. its SO SOON!
okay whateve. im so shag now due to the whole day at filming today. remember to catch the drama of
First Class, on channel 5. it is to be aired on the national day! ^^goodnight and goodbyes :)
Labels: oh hell no i am certainly not going to fall for you
what we could have been, 11:16:00 PM.
hello my dear readers! :D
sorry for not blogging for the past few days. was quite tired from the SYF opening ceremony rehearsals and everything. have been quite busy and hectic for the past week, and the preview is today! :D
it was quite great. though i accidentally dropped one of my prop and had to bend down to pick it up. =P hahas it was so embarrassing lurh, cause my stick flew out of my hand and hit my friend's leg in front. O.O
okay below are all the photos i have taken for the past few days when i was in Singapore indoor stadium. enjoy (:

Siewpinggggg :D

look at our big basket of props!

gimme a twist baby :D

Nat and me ^^

me, Shuyi

me, Gwenda :)

darling and me :D

our lightsticks from LU GUANG. heh!

me and lovergirl =P

and here i present to you, BSS choir! :D

toilet scenes ^^

plait together :)

well, i gotta go sleep already. tmr still got class then afternoon go to the indoor stadium. saddening sia. im so shag! O.o crap la. Common test around the bloody corner and i am still not ready! dammit man. :/
im gonna go into my *lala land* now. tatas! :)
what we could have been, 10:47:00 PM.
Hello my dear people!
due to my menses that just came, i realise all the tempers i had over the weekend were pms-es. urgh! sorry for feeling so pms-y. damn sad de okay. hate menses to the core! D:
could not post the sentosa trip's photos today cause Rebekah have not uploaded them into her computer and have currently gone missing. Zzz. so today will post photos i took today! :D
on a personal note : i wish Jan all the best, for her being so sick still now. aww poor babe! :( take good care jan!

Sylvia and Liying :D
today was quite lonely as i went for chinese alone cause jan was not here. hmm. simply bored lurh. Evelyn also not here today.
*okay im gonna divert again*
my condolences to Evelyn's gran daddy! may he rest in peace! :)
yea, so end up poor me, divya, christine and shuyi went for lunch at the Yassin there. we ate praaatha! hahaha! then afterwards Div had to go cause she did not tell her mum there was filming as she did not know, so only christine, shuyi and i went for filming.
only filmed one scene and we could leave! haha! xD today was so fast lor. went in for not more than 30 mins and we get $5 liao. Hacken, Damian, Ashraf and Yanrong even more zai lor, came in to film for less than 5 mins they get $5. woohoo man! =P
went to slack with Shuyi and Christine afterwards at mac. camwhored a little :D

this lady rock my world! =)
well, after that accompanied christine to cut her hair at the snip avenue. her fringe now is so short lor! but she looks so cute in that. haha i guess she suits short fringe :D
i gonna go slack again. today school was pretty boring lor, so i gotta go entertain myself with tv.
byebye peepholes! :D
Labels: shit im falling into this deep infatuation D:
what we could have been, 8:09:00 PM.
to much utter lameness, i have decided to open my blog again! hahas.
this post will not be much, cause im much too tired to post anything after looking through so many skins and changing them. :D
will update soon when i got my photos from rebekah as we went sentosa yesterday. so byebye people! =P
what we could have been, 3:36:00 PM.
Notice:This blog is gonna be closed down. Sorry for any entertainment lost! Will reopen it when i feel like it. :)Labels: i should get things over and done with.
what we could have been, 8:45:00 PM.