1. When will the Sun not shine and when will the World end?when i lose all my friends and my loved ones.2. What you want the most now?♥♥♥, $$$3. Do you believe in afterlife?yea and i think i will go to hell cause all the bad stuff i've done. but i wanna go to heaven if i was given a chance.4. Do you hate your friends sometimes?yea, and im honest to admit the fact. :)5. When do you wish to die?after i met the man of my dreams and lived my life with him.6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?yea cause i've seen it. ^^7. What impossible things u would wish to do?kill miss aw, find a guy to love me. =D8. Do you believe in eternity love?yes.9. Have you broken someone's heart that he/she tried to comit suicide?no. -.-10. What feeling do you love most?being loved by the guy i love.11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half? love, care and concern. and no lies.12. What feeling do you hate the most?being broke, lied to, broken hearted and loneliness.13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?yea. definitely!14. Is there anything you're looking forward to in the next few weeks?less choir, cause so many practices are seriously hogging up my whole holiday!15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?my friends.16. Who do you hope to be always there for you?my friends17. Do you find life meaningless?to a certain extent, yea.18. Who do you love the most?my friends and myself. =D19. What's your latest injury?nothing. im healthy? nope im currently down with a flu. =X20. Is there a quote you live by?no, cnt think of one now.21. Who's the last person you slapped?Ridhwan. cause he slapped me. __Instructions: Remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged.Whoever does the tag will have a blessing from all. here it goes.. add this question in, "Do you enjoy watching porn?"
and I wanna tag:
1. Jan
2. Boyuan
3. Kiansing
4. Jephthah
5. Sheela
6. Vanessa(3e3)
7. Eileen
8. Vanessa(3e1)
what we could have been, 10:36:00 PM.
okay, here to update on very old stuff. the IG day! heehee. old folks and PAP kids came to play. =D photos, cause i lazy to go recall what happened. =P

im in a wheelchair! its so comfy lor. =D

Thanks for lending me your shirt yea. ^^

and these are pics on the last day of sch, the cleaning day, and mr chen leaving day! :(

all hard working ppl, who scrubs like mad okay. =D

don't u think this pooh bear looks like mr chen? heehee!

mr chen, even though u are gone, we will definitely miss you! :D best of luck with ur girlfriend! ^^
and, used this on my hair, except no colour. wtf. complete waste of my money.

evelyn went to my house first as Jan had to go home. then later she came over. and after that evelyn had girlguides so she left and Jan and i went out to bugis. =D

i dunno why i looked so pissed off in the pic. but i think the eyeliner looks nice. ^^
well, lazy to update alr, so till next time! toodles everyone. :)
what we could have been, 11:42:00 PM.
Sorry for not blogging for so long. seriously tired, lazy and everything. =D
since i have accidentally uploaded all my pics ranging from today's to the older ones, i shall blog about today first.
we had oral and also, had to fold stars. i seriously do not know how to fold stars, and u can call me dunb, cause after many attempts to learn i still cnt catch it. i guess i have to flair in doing this. haha =P
oral was hed in the hall, and thus i felt nervous and all, with the big space. and yes, i crash landed in my picture discussion and reading with my first biggest mistake. i forgot to greet TLS good morning. darn it. she stared at me wierdly and said goodmorning, and it took me some time to realise i forgot to greet her. damn. felt to paiseh! -.-

played the ouijia board cause my oral ended before recess.
then went for choir. tiring. :)
went to watch this. great show =D rated 8.5/10 if u like chick flicks like me. ^^
this story is about this guy who had girls easily, for example on bed and everything, and had this friend, whom was always close to him, (no, not to the sex limit) but as a really great friend and all. and a while later, she had to go overseas to work, and met this guy and planned to marry him as he asked for her hand. while she was overseas, the guy was seriously missing her and found out that he might have fallen for her, and planned to ask for her hand once she came back. that was, until the girl came back and told him that she was engaged! watch the movie to find out what happens. =D

went to watch the show with this kuku below. look at him holding weiqiang's phone. RAR! 5 megapix big deal mehh. =X

okay, now im blogging about my birthdae! thanks to evelyn, jan and divya, i got a cake! ^^

teehees! made a wish and all, and got down and dirty with chocolate. =P
here are all my gifts!

Ridhwan's card, and he also gave me a shirt which is in the wash because jephthah smashed whipped cream into me and i had nothing to change into.

Mr Chen gave me this.

Mr chen also gave me the hersheys and daryl gave me everything else in this pic. thanks.

and, Thanks to Jan, Div and Eve, who got me this bracelet with my name ^^

this was from desmond.

Thanks Mr tan for giving me this waterbottle! =D

had a tiring birthday as i spent the whole afternoon baking for the funfair which was on saturday, and the great thing was in the end the cookies got sold out! :)
well, tired now. till the next time i feel like blogging, toodles! ^-^
PS : ever since my birthday i have been feeling tired so often. guess im old yea? haha!
daryl. i cnt get you out of my mind and i do not know if you know. i just wish to know if u do feel anything for me too. please. i know you really love her, but i want to know if you feel anything for me. just to let my heart die, please.
what we could have been, 9:59:00 PM.
helloo people!
today was seriously a tiring day, as had choir from like 2.45pm to 6pm. we practice hard for the SYF combined choir thingy! YEA! but seriously, i think i am not suit to be a teacher.
its so hard to teach such a big group of 60, plus when they are all standing, they are all around my height? im nt very tall lurhh. =P yea so it feels kinda, very stressing and tiring to try and get the correct dance step to each and everyone of them.
Advertisement TimeBENDMEER SECONDARY SCHOOL FUNFAIR 2008Come to Bendemeer to spend your Saturday morning with us. We are having many food stalls, games stalls, retail stalls, you will practically shop till you drop! All profits will be donated to the The Student needy fund, so please come and show your support! =DVenue : Bendemeer Secondary SchoolDate : This coming Saturday , 17 May 2008Time : 9 am to 1.30 pmWhat to bring along : You, your friends, a great mood, tons of money to spend, and some attention to pay to our exciting performances! :)Hope everyone can make it to the funfair! i will be in stall nunber 24 selling muffins, brownies, cupcakes, brownies, cookies that I BAKE, and of course, potato salad for those who are deciding to cut down some oily food. ^^ Of course, 3E3 has another stall, which is stall nunber 3 which sells kachang puteh. come support yea? xD
Advertisment time over :)
since my friends are all calling me to keep me awake for i dunno what, i have so happened to come across this poem which makes alot of sense and has alot of meaning. since i am trying to stay awake, i shall share this poem here. =D
True LoveTrue Love. Is it normal, is it serious, is it practical?
What does the world get from two people
who exist in a world of their own?
Placed on the same pedestal for no good reason,
drawn randomly from millions, but convinced
it had to happen this way - in reward for what?
For nothing.
The light descends from nowhere.
Why on these two and not on the others?
Doesn't this outrage justice? Yes it does.
Doesn't it disrupt our painstakingly erected principles,
and cast the moral from the peak? Yes on both accounts.
Look at the happy couple.
Couldn't they at least try to hide it,
fake a little depression for their friends; sake!
Listen to them laughing - it's an insult.
The language they use - deceptively clear.
And their little celebrations, rituals,
the elaborate mutual routines.
It's hard even to guess how far things might go
if people start to follow their heart.
Let the people who never find true lovekeep saying that there is no such thing.i cut abit of the poem here and there, as there is some religion thingy that i think has no meaning, yea so i think im about to finish my post. uhh. dunno what to do to stay awake. >.<
good night people! :) in about 2 hours im about to be old. OLD I TELL YOU!
what we could have been, 9:46:00 PM.
ohmygosh!! its 13 may alr!!
yes people. i am here to count down to my *ahem*, and to those who DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS, YOU'D BETTER FIND OUT! =D
ohmygodddd. so no life can. on friday have to go home immediately with Eve, Div and Jan to BAKE CONTINUOUSLY!! saddenning! its my *ahem* and i have to bakeeee! PEOPLE WHO READ THIS, YOU BETTER SUPPORT MY FOOD STORE IN THE FUNFAIR OKAY! @-@
kkaes, talk about today. siannn arh. was late, thus did not get my chinese paper. :( got back maths and eng today, as there was no geog and chem lesson! :) okay, here is a recap for my marks. all only 50smth.
Eng : around 51? so pathetic! -__-
Math : Overall = around 56? paper 1 had 22.5/30 (>.<) and paper 2 had 56/80 (hengness!)
well. scared sia. tmr gotting back chinese and maybe everything else? tmr have F&N, LIT, CHEM! diediedie.
had choir today from 2.45 - 6pm. its getting hiong without the seniors, cause the sound like suddenly very small, like for exampl the BASS. poor Bass. anyway. Congrats to LiHao being the chairman yea! :)
well people, i gonna go sleep alr, before i oversleep again tmr and be late again. late again i will dio DC liao. D: holy mama.
good luck to all the results, and till next time i feel like blogging :) goodnights!
what we could have been, 10:13:00 PM.
goodness. my laptop was took away for the whole exam period, and i was so shag to blog when i got it back, which was yesterday. anyway.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY BOYUANHAPPY BELATED MUM'S DAY!thanks to my disappearance, i have much to fill in. but fortunately, tmr is a sch day and i have to sleep soon. so i shall cut everything short. =D
After exams, went home to change with evelyn, then went to just acia to eat. and, i bought my heels there too!
too bad there ain't photos yea. my nails are so short now i cnt even change the sim card to the cybershot to snap a shot of my beautiful killer heels. they are definitely killer! 4 inchs : 10 cm. haha! measured it with my ruler. =P
soo, love my heels, so gonna take a pic someday. be patient yea? teeheee!
today went to bugis with Hacken, Evelyn and Alson.
tried my heels. my god. i feel so darn tall in those babies! xD about same height as Alson or around there? WAHAHA!! went to eat with them, and shopped for Hacken's new bag from zinc.
seriously. he bought the damn common one, the small one with the stupid zinc charecter there. DUMBDUMB. alr so common! ALR GOT 2 PPL FROM OUR CLASS GOT! and he still got it. __ after asking for my opinion somemore. what is this man.
then all came to my house, alson and i played mahjiong while hacken played one round only? LMAO! then evelyn entertained herself with my com.. damn boring. anyone. if u guys wanna play mahjiong.
JIO ME!well, just got the Ah Long Ptd Ltd VCD. it is qute hilarious i must say, but not worth $6. so luckily i did not watch in cinemas! ^^ Mark Lee was so damn GAYY! But Fann Wong was damn Ah-Lian in the show. =D
i think i gonna go sleep soon. byebye people!
Labels: Should have learnt to live with the ignorant bliss.
what we could have been, 11:44:00 PM.