Wednesday, April 30, 2008
hellos everyone!
today's post shall have no pics, and im really sorry about that. im way too lazy to upload, so u guys can just scoot over to Jan's blog to see okay? =P
29 april
Chinese was damn tough. but had plenty of time left over though. fell asleep at the start of the paper, resulting in mr tan waking me up 15 mins later. -.-
maths paper I was so tough!! i cnt imagine paper II. confirm chopchop die liao. >.<
social studies was horrible too! one hour!! it is simply not enough! my brain blanked out when i read the source based can. WALAO EH!
went to yoshinoya to eat after sch with vanessa, evelyn, jan, divya. went to helen and bought MATCHING RUBBER BANDS!
RED! *ahem quoted from Jan's blog* =P
supposed to study, but i was seriously not in the mood to, after those stupid papers. so went to take neoprints at bugis.
well, plan for tmr is to go bugis there to study with Jan, Evelyn, Vanessa and maybe Divya? i dunno. nobody could reach me just now as i was asleep from 5pm to 10.30pm. i was so shag can. so yea, sorry to those who called me. :) seriously wondering how am i gonna sleep now when i need to wake up at 8.30am tmr. =.= sheesh!
btw, tmr is Ashraf's birthday
u are such u kuku u noe that? why u wanna spend ur birthday studying at Boyuan's house man!! blahblahs. whatever! ur birthday man, not mine. anyways. hope u have a fruitful day tmr studying! =D
people, im officially awake right now. so. i shall go play some audi. call me if u are bored too! :)
PS: go visit the shopping blog linked under my likes. rebekah asked me to post her ad for her, so yea, in case u came from Jan's blog and was wondering what was the tiny icon under her profile.
PPS: good nights everyone and good luck mugging for the rest of the papers! can't wait till 12 may!! gogogo! ^^
what we could have been, 11:17:00 PM.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTMIN!!a very happy birthday to you, and sorry that i couldn't go out with u guys as i had SS consultation. paiseh okay! =P
today was the first day of mid year exams, and also, was the eng paper.
I DID NOT REALISE MILK IN CHOCOLATE PREVENTS THE ABSORBTION OF ANTIOXIDANTS! omg. i seriously love milk chocolate! and do you know it had an antioxidant which retains fat? OMG. this just made eating chocolate a whole lot more sinful!
well. was so tired after the recess, i fell asleep in the paper two. :( whatever. woke up, realising only left half an hour, so rushed to finish it. EH! i finished it on time okay, with fifteen mins left on the clock! except write so much my hand pain only. -.-
here are the pics! :)

went to lunch at KFC (SINFUL!) with Christine, Shuyi, Evelyn, Divya, Jan. walked to Jan's house afterwards to see her dog CHARCOAL! *loves*

see that pretty woman! =)
okayys, here i end my post as i really have to go start my last minute revision now. take care and jiayous to everyone! ^^
Labels: my greatest love are chocolates.
what we could have been, 7:31:00 PM.
HAPPY BELATED JIN!Jin's birthday was yesterday, but i was too lazy to blog and i went back for self study, so yea. =)
sorry there isn't any photos of Jin here, as i forgot to ask alson to send me and he is not online now. =X
FRIDAY met up at ps on friday to celebrate for him. in the end, everyone was late, so Alson and I went to bunk while Chuan wah watched us play. =.= dun understand why he dun wanna play

the place we went for lunch.

went to eat this place, where there is free flow of drinks and ice cream! =D

The damn thing is, they RAN OUT OF CHOCOLATE ICE-CREAM! WHATEVER >.<

camwhored after eating, but the pics are all in Alson's phone. BLAHH!!
group pics!

Sylvia was the camera woman. :)


yea, theres the birthday boy. the one at the front row, dressed in green. ^^
went to watched Definitely Maybe at Cathay.

the show is rated 6/10, if u could understand what the charecters sae. :)
IN CLASS =)played around with Damian's hair. TADA! :D

Shuyi, Damian, Liying.

Damian and Evelyn

Isn't he hot? haha!

look at the hair!!

here are the hairdressers at work. they are so creative larh! =P
well. Self study yesterday wasn't really great as many ppl brought laptops there, and since they called me to bring, i brought it there, and ended up playing Audition. DAMN. Can't pass my license. think i am too rusty already. -.-
gonna chiong my license, then study for eng for tmr.
GOOD LUCK FOR TMR EVERYONE! xDi seriously think im gonna die in this exam. tsktsk. O.o
whatever. gonna go chiong my license now. so looking forward to after the exams. =D toodles! ^^
p/s : i forgot to credit Jin's birthday pics to Alson. =)
Labels: my heart will go on.
what we could have been, 2:26:00 PM.
today was a bad day.
kena scolded since morning. WALAO. scoldscoldscold. i seriously feel so shitty already? -.- Early in the morning, and i started the day with Mr Ng. SUAYYYY!! then was eng.. *ahem* couldn't really study. was all distracted and stuffs.. >.<
After eng was math, Mdm Chua said wanted to give us polky, so we were like thinking, "wasei". then she said, Mr Tan sae dun give to the blue group and willy. Then all of us in blue group felt bad about it. It was like, we shocked that mdm chua sae that bahh. Then she sae it was a joke. But i guess the rest couldn't take it and left. LEFT ME! kuku la. had to give her the CMB to sign marh. then suaysuay she force me take, but i refused blatantly.
After recess, *dendendenden!* Mr Tan wanted to talk to us.
So we dio. kena scolded again, and this time was like, so paiseh can! at the corridor, somemore after recess. AND got shouted at. wa sian diao. i really, seriously got nothing to sae. i noe it was our fault that we cannot concentrate in class, but must like that meh? then still sae we choose teachers, when u saw us copying Geog. SERIOUSLY. MR TAN! currently, i respect u the most, other than Mrs Wee! and u sae i am choosin teachers?! my god. i seriously dislike geog lessons okay. to tell the truth, i enjoy LIT! okay! i ENJOY LIT LESSONS! really. really. In all due respect, no offence.
whatever. went to PS after sch, as Divya wanted to buy her shoes. managed to pull Alson along too. so Evelyn, Alson, Divya and I went. went to Outfitters, got Divya's shoes, except her feet are so small la! mygod! even 36 is loose for her. *envious* =P
went to Yoshinoya after that.
YOSHINOYA IS SO CHEAP!! my god! the student meal there only $4.50!! one rice bowl, two fried potato thingys, and a drink. the price is same as MAC student meal somemore!! i seriously
LOVE it.

abit dark bahh. *credits to Alson*
kkaes, i shall end my post here. gotta go try finish my overdue homework. To next time, toodles! :)
what we could have been, 9:23:00 PM.
OMG. my blog is so freaking dead.
haiya, i have came out of my emo land le. tag my blog ppl!! =)
kkaes, pics first!!

Friends for life! ^^


this is someone scolding me! haha!!
the above pics are credited to Jan's blog.
today, almost late for school! hengness i never late when i took the 7.20am 133! HA! =)
Chinese today, was so hot! the whole classroom was like, HOT LA! my god. cnt study man. then still got miss chan chasing my work. die liao lorrr. >.<
Survived maths barely, kena scolded for nothing. i never get the worksheet only marh, must scold me until like that meh! walao eh. heng i got self control. hmm. i really didn't know about the worksheet okay.
got test in F&N today. meat, is definitely out of my mind. i didn't study for that!! luckily, my section A got 14/15, so hopefully i can pass the test which is upon 30! :) *keep the fingers crossed yea?*
in lit, i managed to use my brain! haha! but seriously, the heat is getting to me. cnt focus in eng, and i told mr tan. in the end he called the prefects to remove their ties. SEE! what i said helped the prefects okay! =P
Yesterday, while self studying ( abit la ) , took mr tan's pic! HA!!

i am picking him up.

and i am cutting his head off. HAHA!
he laughed when he saw this la. i think im getting lame. whateveerr. i gtg chiong my F&N liaos, soo, toodles people! *waves* :)
Labels: its feels wierd not talking to you.
what we could have been, 9:25:00 PM.
why do i think so much?
its all wishful thinking on my part. i should've known earlier. there will never be a place for me in your heart. i will never be good enough. i must have been irritating in the past. sorry. i guess i will not feel this way again. emptiness floods.
Labels: pointless and meaningless rubbish.
what we could have been, 8:03:00 PM.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Friendster is seriously pissing me off! why cnt i upload my photos? >.<
today, sch was boring as usual, but Lit was fun as we heard Mariah Carey belt out her emotional pieces. here are one of them.
"Bye Bye"This is for my peoples who just lost somebodyYour best friend, your baby, your man, or your ladyPut your hand way up highWe will never say bye (no, no, no)Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousinsThis is for my peoples who lost their grandmothersLift your head to the sky 'cause we will never say byeAs a child there were them timesI didn't get it but you kept me in lineI didn't know why you didn't show up sometimesIt's something more than saying "I miss you"But when we talked tooAll them grown full thingsSeparation bringsYou never let me know itYou never let it show becauseYou loved me and obviouslyThere's so much more left to sayIf you were with me today face to face[Chorus:]I never knew I could hurt like thisAnd everyday life goes on like"I wish I could talk to you for awhile""I wish I could find a way try not to cry"As time goes byAnd soon as you reach a better placeStill I'll give the whole world to see your faceAnd I'm right here next to youIt feels like you gone too soonThe hardest thing to do is say bye bye(Bye Bye [3x])Bye byeAnd you never got the chance to see how good I've doneAnd you never got to see me back at number oneI wish that you were here to celebrate togetherI wish that we could spend the holidays togetherI remember when you used to tuck me in at nightWith the Teddy Bear you gave to me that I held so tightI thought you were so strongThat you can make it through whateverIt's so hard to accept the fact you're gone forever[Chorus](bye bye bye bye bye bye [3x])Bye byeThis is for my peoples who just lost somebodyYour best friend, your baby, your man, or your ladyPut your hand way up highWe will never say bye (no, no, no)Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousinsThis is for my peoples who lost their grandmothersLift your head to the sky 'cause we will never say bye[Chorus]u can sing along with my blog song if ur speaker is on la. =)
i think out of her whole new album, E=MC2, the best songs are Byebye, Side Effects, Touch my body, Migrate and Love story. LOLS. i noe i listed almost half her album, but yea, these, in my opinion, are nicer. :) thus, go check her new album out!what i have blogged was like helping Mariah Carey sell her new album la. but i really love her! sh is really a great singer! =D i wish i can meet her in real life, though i noe that is quite impossible. >.<>
i shall go sleep le, cause tmr have to cook for practical mid year! i confirm die. haven even finish the coursework halfway. DEAD. =.=
Labels: i sometimes wonder if it was wishful thinking on my part.
what we could have been, 10:58:00 PM.
Trust.. Where'd it go? whatever happened to true friends?
i dare not imagine more of what others say of me.
I think i have been to overtrusting. listening wholeheartedly to everything was a mistake to make. you have thoroughly disappointed me and i hope u will change for the better.
True love and friendship. nothing works for me.
Labels: i must cover up my real feelings.
what we could have been, 9:43:00 PM.
my whole world is crumbling down.
i can't believe it. i disbelieve it. i am being backstabbed. i can no longer believe anyone. why are all this happening? i really don't understand. this are all gonna come to an end. nothing will be mine anymore.
Labels: the world seems to have stop revolving around me.
what we could have been, 9:25:00 PM.
Went back to school for self study today.
Reached sch around 10.35am, did some sit writing and lit. There were Ramdan, Ashraf, Damian, Hacken, Elgin and YanRong. the boys all persuaded Mr Tan to order pizza, so he did. Lunch was Canadian Pizza. Hawaiian and BBQ chicken. i dunno why, no mood eat BBQ chicken. =.= only ate one slice hawaiian. btw, Thankyou Mr Glenn Tan! :) then went to Uncle Yap to buy Kinder Bueno, cause i got craving for chocolate. Shared it with Damian, cause i was then doing some work with him. THEN I SAW THE AMOUNT OF CALORIES IN ONE KINDER BUENO. wanna guess how much? it is 505!! heng i gave one to Damian larh! @-@ i also drank chocolate milk! think about all the fat. "to the tune of the bethoven" *dengdengdengdeng* sian dao!
Came back from Uncle Yap, people were fogging the sch. the smell was suffocating lor. =.= then saw the RC ppl come back. Hacken went to shout for Mdm Chua, and thus she came up to teach us maths. heehee! i learnt quite abit. ^^ then accompanied her to the guys toilet as the girls toilet was LOCKED. =.=
went home at 4pm. tired lor, wake up so early and go sch do work. but it was quite funny la, at times the guys there says scandalous* (wrong spelling) things. slacked around at home, dinner was 2 popiah. omg. i only ate one la, then my uncle tempted me to eat another one. now so full. o.o
blog hopped, saw Jan's blog got self love photos, so i also self loved abit. :) though i am not pretty as Jan, and i can't photoshop like her, but at least i think i look okay la. so here.

just untied my hair, looks so curly. =P

camwhored with my Cybershot.
now, my whole family is watching some chinese fighting war movie. dunno why, does not appeal to me. im getting quite tired now, perhaps i shall go play audi now. =D tata people!
Labels: Its like you are gone too soon.
what we could have been, 6:31:00 PM.

today is a very tiring day.
PE went to gym, cause raining! HA! no 2.4 to run! =D hengheng ah, if nt confirm kena tortured by Mr Tan BC derh. >.<
after sch, lunched with Christine and Jan. the prob was, i hungry until not hungry liao. *STUPID GASTRIC* sian dao. drank chocolate milk, ate some marshmellow, and felt like puking. shitty la. then went to toilet, heng never puke. rushed to choir, cause i late liao, then was feeling awful at first cause i felt like puking. =.= luckily after awhile i okay liao! ^^
taught them the dance, and it was exasperating. have to repeat the moves like 10 times? then they TALK AND TALK. like kuku la! but finally, they have learnt one song. =) the prob is the rest we are nt sure, so i think we confirm paiseh one. >.<
well, i shall go sleep soon. tmr still gonna go sch for self study.maybe i shall go around 10am?what time are the others going arh?
byebye people! goodnights :)
Labels: i can't imagine the days when you're gone.
what we could have been, 9:06:00 PM.
hellooo. :)
today was the last of the students training for the SYF thingy. i think it did not went very well. we did not manage remember all the steps. yea so tmr i confirm die lorr. =.= cnt imagine, i have to dance infront of the 60 ppl. @-@
missed three days of school, can't imagine the workload. have missed three? or four tests, so gonna retake the next few days or so. so sian la. take test alone. =( i hate to take it alone. and the tons of homework. gosh. im so gonna die.
never seen so many classmates for these days, e.g EVELYN DARLING, JAN DARLING, DIVYA. omg. i missed u guys. currently im like, down with a flu la. sheesh. i gotta pray tmr i'll be well again. =) i shall go sleep now. toodles! ^^
Labels: missed u most when i was gone.
what we could have been, 10:13:00 PM.
FINALLY. i have FINALLY uploaded all the pics and arranged them in order. its like, so long larh.. paiseh. =P well. here are the pics for the Bintan sec 3 camp. :) have fun viewing!
this is the 1st day
camwhored at the hall before we left. =D

practicing his songs. Vanessa, Jan, me and him sang, and Ashraf played guitar. scroll down to find his pic la.
weikai looks barely awake. =.=
Shuyi and I.
finally he looks awake.
AHA! glad u are not lazy to scroll down. here is Ashraf playing guitar! =)
and TADA! here are the female singers! ^^
Evelyn DARLING and LY dardar!
Vanessa and LY
look! my MBBF and me!
shuyi and christine are nuts. O.o
shuyi is a LIGHTBULB. =P oopsy!

Mushroomy Delis and me
Polar Bear Jin and LY!
Hongying, Yanyi, Ashraf, me take 1
take 2
DIVYA! ^-^
look at the amount of food Suyi brought there. =.=
my MBBF again <3>
Delis and Seri
Before camp they look so sleepy alr. =.= Willy and Christine
2 chiobus!
and here we are at Tanah Merah! =D
jan and me! =)
her tongue is short. =P
me, Jan and Peisi

This is the ship :)
The interior of the ship.
see the foam. makes me giddy. i got seasick derh. =P

And we ARRIVE at the custom. so SLOW! =.=
See that supermodel posing with her luggage.
the view there.
dunno why my camera so blue.
this is the outside of the ferry place.
AND LOOK AT THE BUS! so lok cok! @-@ can die ah.
And we arrive in the school!
this is their library.
And i discovered an outdoor classroom! WASEI! u noe their classrooms got NO FAN! omg. can die sia. @-@
caught pouting in action! =D
their dunno wad court.
well, at least they have cute kittens there!
after lunch and dinner spent in the school, we went to shopping. and i need to sae something. 1 HOUR OF SHOPPING IS DEFINITELY NOT ENOUGH!! i spent like half and hour looking for chocolate la! i was so BLIND! =X
and to our horror, we arrive at the hotel. LOOK AT THE SIZE! 3 ppl squeeze here! wth.can die sia.
since Mr Tan BC did not allow us to go into other ppl room, we slacked in our own rm instead. =D played loud music, jumped on bed (heng never spoil sia x.x ), and me and jan drank this. ssshhhh!

it tastes like, BITTER taste la! i'd rather drink icewine. ahh wadever. wad can we expect when it only costs $1? teehees! =P
the 2nd day
we were excited to see the resort. it looked great on the video the lady presented to us.
But in the end

wasei. disappointed abit.
then we saw our dorms. DISAPPOINTED ALOT MORE. >.<

Low elements
looks more like a kampong than a resort. @-@
now we go hiking. sprayed alot of insect repellent, but its useless. =.=

look at all of them. nobody is high lor.
look at the sleepyheads.
since i was so bored, i took the view on the way there. =)
THE HIKE WAS SO STEEP! omg, worse than Bukit Timah Hill 100 TIMES!
after the hike, we cooled off with boatnetting. i JUMPED OFF! it felt great la! except it was damn salty. =.= and it took FOREVER to get Jaspreet to jump from the 2nd floor. @-@

after that was, DINNER!

CAMPFIRE. it was so sian la! Mr Tan BC call us to REFLECT infront of a campfire. SIAOSIAO.
3rd day
Thanks HONGYING. she helped me snap this awesome pics!

Look at the sun! omg. i LOVE it.

there was MILO during breakfast! it was like, FINALLY LA! everyday plainwater, finally got milo! =D
i gotta sae. THE MAGGI MEE WAS DAMN NICE! i think i was very hungry or wad. =P

Took these pics after breakfast

Went for Flying fox. omg. i was so scared of it la. they all pressure me go, then i cried. =.= sia la. i cry and climbed that stupid STEEP ladder! and cried even more when i looked down from above. Sorry Mr G Tan! i could not do it. i cried so much when i climbed down again, everybody saw me la! so PAISEH! even 3E2 ppl was THERE! Delis thought i fell down or wad. @-@ Jaspreet thought i was traumatised. haiyo! PAISEH! O.O
after that was canoeing, and it was DAMN FUN! =D i think i got tanner. but i LOVE IT.
this was on the way home on the ship i took. look at those waves! SEASICKKKKK!! :(

thats the end of the sec 3 camp.
went to CCAB to attend the students training for combined SYF choir. =.= learn dance from 9am to 4 pm. tired like mad. im like, so SHAG now la. but i must complain! i met this VERY gay guy there! he dance and sing like, wad the hell sia. and there was this girl. she keeps staring at me like i owe her a living. ASS LA! if i din not restrain myself, i would have walked over and slapped her. O.O i must CHILL. imagine tmr still must see her. WASEI. i think i got great self control. =D im dumb la.
well, i gonna sleep soon. tired la! =D byebye for now! ^^
Hongying for the sun pics
Alson for the pics with outline. :)
Labels: do u think i stand a chance?
what we could have been, 10:20:00 PM.