Tuesday, October 30, 2007
ok. since now is 12 plus, i sahll refer to today as tuesday. ahahas. ok. talk about yesterday. Jan only went choir for 45 mins la! not fair sia. so in the end i go there to revise the dance for today's performance. we will go to balestier(got spell wrong?) primary and farrer park primary.
arhs! so later have to report to sch by 8am. dotts. just finished ironing my sch uniform. then gonna meet alson and jan later to go sch. so good nite! i gtg get some beauty sleep. =)
what we could have been, 12:13:00 AM.
If i have avid readers on my blog, wellwell, i have decided to UPDATE yet again! =)
well. firstly. ITS THE HOLIDAYS! ohmygosh. its so great. i can so FINALLY sleep late!! YAYNESS! i just love school holidays, don't you? =)
tmr got choir, needa go back to sch. arhs. so so tiring. to think of it. i should be happy. cause i have been promoted to 3EXPRESS. excitement fills me to think about my new class.
so sad Mr malcolm tan going to leave. why mrs rathi also leaving? ohmygod. Mr Tan, a great teacher, leaves, with Mrs Rathi, and excellent and understanding principal also leaving! aiyo!
i think i will miss Mrs Lew. even though she was kinda quirky and funny, she was quite a good art teacher. i wish her all the best after retirement! =D
my blog is getting so dead nowadays. i simply have nothing to blog about. and ALSON!! where is the new blogskin? i wanna change! this is getting boring. arhs.
i just wanna sae i watched finish wei xia PASTA, which was quite a romantic comedy. Thnx Rebecca, for lending this show to me! i finished watching 18 episodes in record time! in 3 days solid.
well people, i have to go get some beauty sleep now. ahaha. i wanna become a beauty like Jan ma. =) well people, i would recommend quite a nice website, which is http://www.fanfiction.com
it is all about fiction stories fans make up! its quite entertaining actually. so go read that, and i shall blog again soon. and since its the holidays, comeon people, lets have some fun! =D
what we could have been, 12:25:00 AM.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Today, school was boring. i wanna go holiday! i wanna shop! haiz. i hate being broke too. i want cash! like Alson said, no money = no happiness. No happiness = no life. no life = die. =D lalala!
i wanna go out! i cannot take it anymore. but i wanna save money. for me! =) i wanna be loaded! =) okay. i have alot of complains. i cannot take it. ohmygod. exams are so stressful, and getting my results are even worse. i really cannot stand de tension!
but luckily, school is ending next week! ~YAYNESS~
what we could have been, 11:18:00 PM.
Pics everyone!

some are recent pics, some are old. credits to Alson and Rebekah!
today i shall talk about a topic. Like why bus number 133 takes forever to come in the morning and in peak hours.
Students like me go to have to go to school early in the morning, have to wake up so early to take the bus. what if we miss it unintentionally like by just a few minutes? we will miss the bus and be late for school. the latest bus for us to take from lavender is 6.50am, which it sometimes comes earlier. After that we will have to take the 7.20am. Why does it take so long? the board writes on am peak hours the bus would only come only every 15 mins. thus i do not understand the long wait. On evenings like nearing 6pm, 133 takes forever to arrive and it is always packed, resulting in sometimes unable to board. Since it is peak hour, why not have many more buses? it is quite ridiculous to wait for quite long and have to try and squeeze on to the bus. More 133 buses should be around in peak hours.
what we could have been, 9:31:00 PM.
yesterday went to watch balls of fury. it was quite funny. it was also very cool when one cha bo can hit pingpong with several guys! woots. for that, it gets 8.5/10!
today was chinese paper. i was so bored i slept and i played. DAMN. then rushed through with 20mins left. but it was okay on de overall. and i realized donutdonut changed its name to sweetbread. aiyo! sounds abit wierd. but nevermind. i still like de donuts.
also went to carmen house to watch a rented sex show with Wenbei, Alson, Delis, Chuanwah.wad de heck man. rated NC16 but got nothing to see sia. so boring. in de end we fastforwarded de show and while we played cards, Zhi yi came.anyways, i lost everything. =X
I am so dead la. haven do art and study D&T. i dun wanna fail!! hahas. im freaking out. gonna go shower now.TATA! =) i miss Jan! she studies too much nowadays! =D
what we could have been, 8:32:00 PM.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
so lazy and tired of updating.
anyway, im gonna recap on wad has happened.
on 1 october 2007, it was Rebekah cai's birthday. so well, congrats! you are a year older!
It was also English paper dat day, and i can sae dat it is SO HARD! ohmygod.
on 2 october 2007, it was History paper. well. a load off my shoulders. at least i think i did okay. it was pretty challenging. afterwards went MAC with Jan, Delis, Wenbei, Carmen, Alson, i think Zhiwei. i dunno la. oh ya, also got Chuanwah and bernhard! i forgot de rest. imsosorry! =P After dat, everyone wanna go, so Alson and i and weiqiang and yuan thye and rebekah went to watch de nanny diaries! it was a pretty okay show, i guess its abit draggy, but overall okay. i rate it 6.8/10! recommended if u can stand de show, about how draggy it is. its about two hours, a little lesser. and of course, you must be able to understand the show's CHEEMNESS. dats why im abit blurred.
and today, 3 october 2007! went to mac for de morning as it was maths paper, it ended very early. it was quite a tough paper, and we ended around 9am! =) after dat, Zhi wei, Alson, Chuanwah left. so Delis, Carmen and i went to Sylvia's house for a little mahjiong. couldn't play much, as her granny invited other ppl over to play. hm. neverminds. i will go buy a mahjiong set after exams. so anyone interested CALL ME! but be prepared. im thinking about getting the small sized version which is about $25. im buying this over de large set because its cheaper!
today also, i asked my grandparents why we didn't have a mahjiong set, and they said because we are a family which DO NOT GAMBLE. LOL! they are abit mental. i dun play with money, and i dun even noe how to play with money. so dun talk crap. u guys are too overly protective and think u guys are the best people on the world. dear grandma, wake up. de maid is here to help u clean, not to let u have another thing to complain about. so just go chill la!
aaAaaahh people. im going mad. i have just finished de Harry Potter and de deathly hallows. and 607 pages only took me 4 days! woots! i LOVED de book. except for de ending. cause tis just to abrupt lo. so sad. wad was JK rowling thinking man. can't she end de book a little nicer, with more creativity? wad is"all was well"? lol!!
anyway, i gotta go study science now. haven been studying, but i've been trying and it just can't get into my head! darn it. this is so not working out for me! =X bleahs! byebye! =D
what we could have been, 7:10:00 PM.