Monday, September 24, 2007
Today pretty much nth happened i guess. i went to watch no reservations and i rate it 7.5/10.The storyline was like okok. i just loved catherine zeta jones. went to watched it with Alson, WeiQiang, Yuan dai(sorry izzit spelled this way?), Rebekah. Thanks for the treat WeiQiang! =)
today almost saw miss aw for many times and my heart was almost on the verge of stopping can? OMG. i screamed like mad woman after recess when walking back to class cause i saw her. Jan went hysterical with me lo. hehes=)
and OHMYGOD. can you believe it? it is just 6 more days to the EOY and i HAVEN STARTED STUDYING! ohmygod. and mr chung is like giving stress lo. i guess im so gonna mug tmr. and i owe chinese and have to stay back and do! i cannot stand it la! but i dun feel like going dc lei. hm. this sucks man.
oh ya, and today because of the movie i missed a meal.Mdm chua was going to treat all who helped in the happy toilet to MAC. damn. because of the movie, we ate at the bendemeer mall market and lemme sae something. The food totally sucked. i ordered friend prawn hokkien mee, and they give me dry prawn mee. damn it. and got chilli that is SO SPICY somemore. i could barely eat de mee la. wasted my money. in de end i went to buy dessert to eat.
i seriously love de desert stall. i so far ate strawberry tadpole and red tea jelly with peach. it is all so nice! i rate this stall 8.5/10! if you are a sweets lover, its recommended! hahas.
i gtg now. most probably i'd try to mug abit and see how. but i think no use. hahas. =X
you were such a backstabber. you spread rumors about me and even ur good fren go and ask ppl. see. ur good fren accidentally spread the word dat it is u sae de. who do u want me to believe? you or my fren? u have let me down so many times before i do not know what to do anymore. i shall just hate you and lower myself to gossiping about u. because you are one backstabbing bitch, there are endless gossips about you to be heard. who do you think im writing about? see the only link i have slashed.
what we could have been, 8:39:00 PM.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

This is my class! (credits to Chuanwah)

Hey. This was Jan!

Hey, ain't i cute?

Look at my baby pic! (credits to Jan)
EOY is coming!! ARGH!! but can anyone study in this situation? the problem is i dun feel any pressure that in 10 days time its my EOY! AHAHAH!!!

They stayed at my house during the weekend. =) yayness! hahas. today i kept seeing missaw, and its like so heartstopping! i have so far successfully avoided her for 3 days since i never went to find her on monday. i mean, if she sees all my skirt, i have to confirm lenghthen it. and i going to sec 3 le lo. =.=
i dun think im going to blog anytime soon. and tmr i going to st luke's old folks home. woots. =P i think one lady there is so havoc. she is 95 yrs old already ans she still can talk and walk! so healthy man! woah. i wish i would be as strong as her! =)
went to maths remedial and to MAC for an ice cream after dat with Jan. I so love the DONUTDONUT that opened at bendemeer mall. highly recommended flavour ( ranking from which is first) : Princess Donut, Melon Donut, Strawberry Donut, Apple Donut, Mocha Donut. Well. i din really ate all these flavours from that shop, but i tried others at another shop. but i confirm CONFIRM the Princess donut is one that you will not regret if you love sweet stuff. And you will love it even more if you are a strawberry lover. Rating : 9.5/10!
I miss playing mahjong man! i so so love it. =) well. i gtg for now! looking forward to the old folks home trip tmr!
byebye for now!
PS: i am a mahjong addict.
PPS:I love donuts.
what we could have been, 5:43:00 PM.
Friday, September 14, 2007
hello hello!
today first thing was attire check by missaw. damn sianz can? she sae my socks not acceptable. please la, everyone de songs also like dat lo. OPEN YOUR EYES TO SEE!
so she called my mother. damn her la. i only socks not acceptable then she go call my mum. and she sae i have problems in skirt, coloured undergarments and socks. she explained that the skirt and coloured undergarment is for my own safety, but she also never sae anything about socks.
she seriously have a problem with me man. i noe it. i will wirte to MOE to complain against her this kind of teacher. sadistic.
well. i write with alot of paragraphing today because Alson yesterday sae dat i crammed too many words together so he read until as u can see, there are lots of space now! =)
and today chuan wah has his Fatty Family nick!
Chuan wah : Huetty
2yayness! so now we have the complete fatty family! =) hahas.
today went to eat at Bendemeer mall market, and the food was below average lo. saddening. went to eat with Jan, deLis and Chuanwah. i loved it so much when we went to eat dessert at de market.
omg. EOY is so soon and i realise i din even noe wad mr chung was talking about today in class. i am SO dead. but i really cnt find de time to mug lei. i think im just too lazy.
and today i got the class photo. i got it around 5 i guess, because mrs poon talked alot and thus she released us SO late. sian lo. after dat i went home with Jan, and she ate a melon donut. she sae is nice but i have to save to alter my skirt. but after dat we both went to eat ice-creams! hahah. niceness. she ate chocolate and i ate mango. Jan saes too much mango makes her wanna puke.
ooh ya, and forgot to talk about de video mr tan showed us today in history lesson. he brought his first batch of students to explore fort serapong and the camera man was so SUPERB. i watch until i got such a head-ache, i felt like puking. and it was not just me lo. Jan, Chuanwah and deLis also headache like siao.
well. i gtg now. so happy because my parents are leaving for vietnam tmr morning! =) very excellent. and i gtg write to MOE and complain lo. so byebye now! =D
what we could have been, 6:10:00 PM.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
today is a VERY BAD DAY for me.
First i got shampoo in my eye so i din wear my lens and walked out of my house*blindly*. den i din felt like going to school but was already on de way so it was just too bad. !! and suay suay, i met MISS AW and i died. because i was wearing a short skirt and coloured bra. damn. she kao peh kao bu dere, and she force me buy another pair of bendemeer socks! and it was the FOURTH PAIR! !! WASTE MY MONEY. i dun understand why we have to wear socks that must REACH THE ANKLE! low socks dat cannot be seen is also socks right? why does the school care that we wear low socks that is loose which is not visible because we walk and the socks drop? they scared we dun wear socks to school? they scared we got hongkong feet izzit? is it their problem? loose socks are comfy wads. and wearing the socks so high don't they realize that it is a serious fashion diasaster? and u tell me is my class people who complain thet u are bias. i soso agree. don't u realize u ALWAYS cathch me? if u OPEN YOUR EYES BIGGER u will definitely see that even prefects have short skirts that is TOTALLY over the knee. the example is right in front of your face as she does late coming too. you won't want me to label the person out. because the other example is a person from YOUR netball. she has short skirt also, and she has de same height and body figure as me. so u cnt sae she is short and the skirt doesn't look short. and she is also in EXPRESS. so u also can't give the excuse that u don't give a damn because they are in NA or NT and they are like dat. DO YOU REMEMBER THIS SENTENCE? YOU SAIDTHIS TO SOMEONE'S PARENT TO EXPLAIN WHY U WERE SO BIAS. please. but the crap.
and now is maths remedial. i shall talk about MDM CHUA. aw, so poor thing. i must have ruined the good image that 2E2 have built up. yes. i stood at the DC room this morning. YES. i have bad attire. YES. u can go tell miss aw that i am LIKE THAT so she can give up on me. u no need to indirectly dislike me and scold me for me being noisy. Alson was talking to me and what do you do? you scold ME. after i moved my seat, everyone became so noisy, and even Chuanwah who was sitting in front of you was laughing away loudly and what do you do? YOU DIN EVEN GIVE A DAMN. do you need me to refresh your memory on what u scolded me? here it is. " MOVE HERE LIYING! I AM DISTRACTED BY YOU. YOU ALREADY GAVE ENOUGH TROUBLE THIS MORNING WITH MISSAW." enough? this is not exactly, but its an extract. if u want witnesses, there are! wow. i think u hate me now is because u think i destroyed the good image 2E2 had. i was such a disgrace. WOW. great man. u treat her so good because she just showed you attitude. last time she turned around to talk to me and u ALSO scold ME. wow! i should really learn and show u attitude too. then i can hopefully gain some attention and respect that i deserve. because u guys said she wear hipster skirt also not right. but she now also wear it, and do u guys care? nnooo. because she showed you and MISS AW and all other teachers attitude. do u realize a while after she showed you attitude she suddenly became so obedient to one by one teachers and suddenly got you attention again by saying that she dunno how to do everything? and u guys will just leave her alone and forget all her bad image and think she is some darling angel. well u guys saw wrongly. because u guys haven seen through her lies yet. i have and i am thoroughly dissappointed with her. YES. u were once my almost best friend. but u made me so upset. now i have new and better ones. even though i still talk to u like nth happened, please note that i have saw through u and your lies.
i feel like writing about miss aw to the MOE lo. because i noe alot of girls will support me. i will try sometime soon. EOY coming and i shall have to start mugging now as i haven really started yet.
well. over with the upsetting things and i shall move on to the happy ones.
yesterday i went to watch hairspray and i loved it so much. i love musicals! and of course i love zac efron! he was so hot in the show, well, except fot the hair that is. =) i rate this show a 8.5/10. well. my reason is same as Alson's. it is abit to oldfashioned. and i have saw some songs de music video already so it was like repeating it again. well . i gtg now. as all of you can see, my happy parts is so short. so i gotta go live my life happier by listening to my mum and stop blogging. byebye for now .
chuanwah to become one!=P here are who is in :
Alson : HUETTYPOPPOP, fa di popo
Jan : FATTY FATS (the creater) , fa di fa si
Delis : HUETTY HUETS ( also de creater ) , hu di hua si
and me : FATTYPORK , fa di zhu rou =)
lalalas. we aree so retard. =D i LOVE OUR FAMILY! <3
what we could have been, 8:00:00 PM.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
YOYOYO people!
im back from the chalet! yayness. went to play at escape and as u can see, i won the nemo! yay! delis got de bear and jan got the pony! lol! so small and she spent so much on it. my first 2 dollars and i won de nemo, but i greedy so i spent another maybe $6. lols!

this was from the day before when we were zi lianing on the train!

this was when delis was at sportslink!

look at delis. she like stunned! hahas. i love what we bought together. i will definitely rmb to wear it on monday! please rmb to wear it on monday too! =) we went to play escape and omg, my heart almost dropped out when i sat the wet and wild thingy with alson. i opened my eyes when the boat plunged, so it was pretty heartstopping.
credits to all photos to Jan!! hahas! see i so good i go and credit her! =) wahahahaas. now in sch suppose to have maths lesson on but finish le ma. later probably go Jan's house or go to the movies with alson and rebekah! =) haiz. after tis is pepsi's period. omg. so cnt stand her. she gave me DC yesterday. damn. and just now mario's lesson. i also cnt stand her so much la.
Delis, Jan, Alson, Chuanwah all sitting with me now! yay! =.= okok, just being lame. so long never blog le, did anyone miss me? haha! exams are around de corner and have to study lo. so will be blogging once in a long while nowadays. this saturday Alson and Weiqiang coming my house to stay over. i wanna ask Jan and delis but dey cnt lo. so maybe i ask christmin and sylvia lo. heyhey. if u guys read this le, dun kanchiong ok? i will call u guys come after i confirm everything. =D
i wanna watch hairspray!! yesyes. perhaps tmr i shall pon sch to watch it! =) tata for now!
what we could have been, 10:07:00 PM.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
YOYOYO everyone!
maybe tmr i going to chalet. ya! and maybe weekend i going out with rebekah! yayness. im being booked the whole week! =) cheers man!
Monday and tuesday went back to school for choir. we learnt new songs lo. but i loved it when we learnt "phantom of the opera". woots!
haiz. i dunno wad to talk about le. dats all for today. (=
what we could have been, 10:48:00 PM.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
i feel all the stress going on, but so sorry sylvia, cause im not going to do the quiz as i find tis too lehcheh. pai seh worrs!
Thursday went to watch dead silence, which was so damn creepy. for those who have a weak heart, u are encouraged not to try it. but i rate it= 7.5/10 =) for those brave at the heart, u will love it.
Happy Belated Teachers Day !
yep. this year i went back to hongwen and im so happy cause i caught up with many of my ex teachers. YAY! *contented*
today i went to play bowling with my mum, and those who know me, will know that i suck at it. so naturally, after a game, i was abit paiseh and let my mum play the rest. she is working so hard now cause she has a competition held by her office next week. after bowling, we cabbed to bugis as it started to pour very heavily. we went to bugis and ate crystal jade, which, the *beef la mian* was very good. i rate it 7/10. for those who love beef, u are encouraged to try!
then we went to walk walk and my mum was attracted by the shop named double index. she bought a blue shirt there and surprise surprise, she bought me new shorts! so happy lo!
then dinner my family went to pasir panjang to eat some korean BBQ. damn. i never eat most of the side dish which was so damn cold and sour. i only ate some bbq mushroom, beef, prawn, chicken and pork. for those who love cold and sour dishes, u will love it. but i rate it 5.5/10. it was so waste of money lo. my whole family consisted of 8 people eat there and it costs $288! omg. i want to watch ratatouiie ( i dunno how to spell it) someone watch it with me!
well. i guess thats all i can write about today. got to go praying tmr so gotta sleep soon. TATA! =)

what we could have been, 10:57:00 PM.