Yesterday went RAFFLES INSTITUITION. seriously lack of hot guys la. only saw one but he disappeared! i wanted his number sia!! =X anyways, yesterday sent Siewping off and slacked at lavender area with ashraf and deepak. talked and deepak left. ashraf was so cute sia! hahas ashraf! im spoiling ur "man"image here! yes. he sang top of the world standing on the bench! omg! he was sososo cute la! hahaas.
today alson, boonmay and sylvia came my house. printed out some E-learning work but never do.. haiz. play this website weiqiang sent me! its cute too! below are the photos of me ever since i cut my hair! ciao =)

what we could have been, 12:06:00 AM.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
im here to blog about yesterday, since now is already 12plus...
okay. Yesterday i went back to school in the morning. had poetry slam with teachers Yali and Valerie, and also siewping, deepak and ashraf(who came like late). then i kena kicked out of school by miss aw because i was wearing a choir t shirt and my own shorts.But so many people wear!! unfair shit. so thus i was walking alone until eileen called me and we walked to yuan lin's house together cause she nid to lend yuan lin shoes. and then yuan lin said she saw sylvia, bernhard and royston, and so i went to find them. royston later went back to school.
Then went sylvia house and ate my breakfast: a currypuff. it was nice but my throat was killing actually. then i went to school for a teacher's day rehearsal thing while sylvia and bernhard went back to bernhard house as he needed to take money. i went back and try try sing until like around near 4pm like dat.all thanks to some sec 5 guys who took FOREVER to do some speech thing. lol. then i met up with weiqiang and we went to PS de swensens to eat ice creams. and that was my lunch! actually, my lunch was a french fry! lol! Jan was superly sick today, so after swens she went le. then realised boyuan, sylvia and bernhard disappeared long ago. then jephthah, kiansing, jin went to play arcarde and the rest: delis, chuanwah, zhi wei, alson, weiqiang and i went to Kovan as we wanted to take neoprints. in the end i got a new handphone pouch and i bought a watermelonjuice which sucked pretty much. then we played at an osim corner, where got 3 different machines for us to try. it was so funny. wei qiang did the max speed on the flabelos or something machine and shook so much! Delis shake until stomach pain and zhi wei was giving funny reations to the machines. then reached home late, around 8pm and dio gan by parents. i CANNOT DO ANY E-LEARNING WORK! so hard. and so much!! haiz. well i shall blog till here today.. later at 3.30 om still got teachers day full dress rehearsal and 2.30 must meet liao. haiz. sian la. so i shall stop here. TATA!
what we could have been, 12:43:00 AM.
Hello everyone.
yesterday been to mediacorp to support ridhwan. it was damn long a wait. and there were no chairs to sit on. YES.. NO CHAIRS. we sat on the floor and waited for ridhwan to sing. he sang 空秋千 with 3 other ex contestants. it seems abit unfair because there was one contestant who was a mixblood and knew how to speak chinese.
then after that went to eat a buffet dinner with siewping's parents and bernhard. felt abit pai seh cause we sae eat more dun waste money and they already paid and wanna leave. but still. THANKS for the dinner. saw yvonne lim and took a photo with her. but she last minute go wear the hairband was like. wottahell. spoil the image sia. she had a NICE, so nice fringe and she go wear the hairband. woots.
well. shall update soon if i can. YAYness. next week Wednesday, thurs and fri is E learning week. HAPPINESS. ^-^
what we could have been, 12:00:00 PM.

being camwhores as usual.

when in mac.

~we were LOST~


Still being very lost. =P

Group photo take 1.

oops.alittle too blurr..

my fault! =)

nice anot?jan take de lehs.

~group shot take 2~
Today was absolutely tiring and boring. the electricity kept going off. haiz. hated science la. stand for the whole period. its not like i learn anything there. HELLO! we read the TEXTBOOK to study lorrs. Maths was pretty okay, and mdm chua going to send me to DC cause i haven finish my homework. frankly speaking, i dun really understand much and learn most of my maths through tutor.All the photos were taken from Jan's blog, so credit to her! =) choir was absolutely boring today. because we had to sing about doors and windows. could have fell asleep there. hm. tmr going to have tuition in the morning and evening going to watch some campus superstar thing. GO RIDHWAN! even though i was severely pissed off by you yesterday. YES.
yesterday ridhwan pissed me off. for some teachers day thing. argh forget it. i couldn't take some prefect's attitude to me either. i was so frustrated at them pestering sheela, noah and me for an answer. ALL BECAUSE the superstar RIDHWAN cannot make up his mind! damn. dun perform then dun perform la! its not like i will die like dat, cause im not THAT DESPERATE FOR ONE PERFORMANCE. keep calling us to perform for u(the prefect which i can't stand) and to entertain you. who do u think u are woman! at the very least, IM NOT TRYING TO SHOW OFF BUT I DID WIN THE TALENT QUEST! please DUN TREAT ME, or even sheela and noah, LIKE YOUR ENTERTAINERS! like WE WERE SUPPOSED TO ENTERTAIN
YOU! so i dun nid u to call me go. even if i sing at teachers day, its the TEACHERS I WANT TO THANK. not to show off, like u said if u called all the talent quest ppl, it would be like a repetition of talent quest. why not u just sae u are so bloody bias towards ridhwan?! please. and u still sae u wanna take off dominic's item? what kind of organiser are YOU? maybe u fell for that ridhwan. DAMN YOU. WASTED MY TIME. and yesterday Jan and I went home together. took the wrong bus and thus we dropped of at kallang place. so we walked! =) i can become slimmer! =) hahahs. Jan was so freaking pissed when i SOS called Alson and he gave no useful advice. haha. well. i vented my anger and frustrations here, so im going to sleep now cause tmr morning i have tuition. so byebye all! =)
what we could have been, 9:48:00 PM.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

miss chan and me!

take TWO!

Look at my HONEY!

Happily ever after!

what i wore for talent quest.

Me and Chuanwah!

Look at how hot my darling is!

me and Tay ah BO!

Me and Boonmay!

This is Siewping and me zi lianing in sc lab!

don't we look bright?

OMG! that jehvan is at the back!!! =X


Kissy kissy! muackies!
what we could have been, 6:31:00 PM.
i was so damn scared at the competition that when the song started i couldn't really walk. and thus i was shocked when they announced the results. at first:
EMCEE: The winner of the third prize goes to Noah! *applause*
EMCEE:The winner of the second prize is...LiYing! *applause*
(and when i heard that i felt a sense of relief as i thought the first was surely to be ridhwan or sheela, but i got a shock.)
EMCEE:The winner of the first price is: Dominick Tan! *applause and screams*
(my mood suddenly went down. i was like why didn't sheela or ridhwan win ah? why him? then i saw how cheerful sheela and ridhwan was and felt that i shouldn't fell that way.)
but after that, immediately Mr Tan and Miss Ang said something was wrong with the results. and in the end, here are the actual results.
THIRD PRIZE: Strange emotions!
SECOND PRIZE: The Rebellious Five!
FIRST PRIZE: APPLE PIE! [Sylvia and ridhwan's group]
AH! could hardly believe it. i actually made it so far and won it! OHMYGOD! i feel so relaxed now. FINALLY. after weeks of preparing for St andrews and this talent quest. I WON BOTH! ~OHMYFREAKINGGOD~
so here i would really like to thank some people who have supported me!
1st: SIEWPING! Thanks for letting me sleep over at your house last night. it was DAMN FUN!!
2nd: ALSON! Thanks so much for sleeping over at siewping house too! u filled my night with laughter!
3rd: JAN! im so grateful for ur screams of support that made me feel very encouraged to sing there.
4th: DELIS! THANK YOU SO MUCH for lending me money on the spot to buy contacts! i will try my best to return to you ASAP! =)
5th: CARMEN from 2E1 for helping me make up!
6th: MISS CHAN! SO THANK YOU!! I REALLY OWE YOU! u chose the song for us somemore. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
7th: CHUANWAH! Thanks for giving me support all they way!
omg. im getting so long winded! i shall stop here now!
what we could have been, 2:11:00 PM.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Now at sylvia house. haiz. hated today. feel bloody sick. i hate the new shoes i bought somemore. if anyone wanna see the pic go see alson's blog. wad a waste of my 40dollars. haiz. and i feel bloody sick. !! fluflu.. well. got my science results back. got 28/40. damn.
what we could have been, 2:21:00 PM.