I HATE JAMIE CHUA THAT BITCH!i never do my maths, then she ask me for my worksheet and i tell her i never do. she sae nevermind give it to me. then she flipped the paper and asked why is it blank. then i sae i alreday told her it was blank. then she sae nevermind lorrs, call my parents and tell them i refuse to do homework. SIAO one. dun even noe wad she teaching how to do? BITCH!
haiz. now in her lesson. give that very stupid website let us do. so simply boring canns? after school i will go to some art excursion at napfa with delis. lesson today was boring. i think im so gonna fail d&t can? left many blank! oh, and today i got back my chinese result. i FAILED. i got 23/50.. haiz. can today get any worse? in english lesson i also never finish my homework. then mario sae tmr morning come collect. anyone got dress to lend? i seriously need it by this thursday, for the talent quest full dress rehearsal. HELP!
well. today is really really boring! i wanna play DDR! i wanna watch HARRY POTTER! i wanna watch TRANSFORMERS! ARGH! i HATE SCHOOL!!!
what we could have been, 12:28:00 PM.
me and Siewping got . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIRST PLACE! muahahahaas!!
Ridhwan got third in the solo catergory. =)
after the competition ms chan, luolaoshi, siewping and me went to eat at the MAC at potong pasir. i SAT IN MISS CHAN'S CAR!! haha! damn happy. i missed her so much cause she is such an exciting teacher which matches my class! =P
after that me and siewping went to vivo to walk toys'r'us. we played children's toys there lorrs. like young kids like that. =x hahas. then i came home and now im blogging lorrs. later going karaoke with mr family. =P very lame. but i LOVE singing! but i damn scared for talent quest lehhs. due to my As in history and maths, plus winning the singing thing, he sae he can buy clothes for me! for the talent quest la.
well. i gtg out now. bye!!
what we could have been, 4:34:00 PM.
Yesterday was a busy day.
Morning went to a rehearsal at St Andrew's. pai seh to siewping, cause i still haven't got my voice back so she have to sing the whole song, which made her darn scared.
After that we went to tiong bahru and i so wanted to watch harry potter but siew ping dun want to we went to find the choir instead. met some hot guys which shu yi managed to take one guy's number. after that went home with shu shan. Thanks for sending me home shu shan! =)
today is very very boring. had tuition and then slacked all the way. haven study for science tmr. cannot help it ah. make me wanna sleep. maybe i study later.or tmr morning.
anyone call me go watch Harry Potter? OMG. i still haven watch transformers either. rather busy nowadays cause got choir, talent quest and the st andrew's competition. haiz. well. i miss playing DDR!!
i just thought of asking u for the patch. well. i guess it will not happen. im not content with my life yet.
what we could have been, 8:53:00 PM.

dunno why but i keep saying that. lols. hm. anyway, i got LA so please dun blame me for any mood swings. =X
Today class was so BLOODY boring. regretted ponning on monday. haiz. should have ponned today!! first two periods was chinese and Alson was busy copying History and i was like so bored there.. dreaming that i could sleep soon.. haha. then that MURTY the english lesson. it was like, SOOO boring. she gave us a class test for the first period and sad to sae, i slept for the first period. hahas. can't blame me lorrs! and after recess was maths where jamie said things i literally dun understand. so sian. was like cat trying to communicate to a dog like dat. then was literature. more than half the class never do her work can, then she so pai seh she couldn't send us out to stand, so she ask us all to shift our tables to face the wall. so we chattered for two periods. then that patsy ong sae Siew Ping distracting the class and needed solitary confinement, and then Siewping asked if she could go into the cupboard. so IN she went, cause that Patsy ong approved. then Jan asked wad if Siewping faint inside. then patsy ong sae Siewping is old enough to take care of herself. then Jan sae, "no wad, if she faint then u are responsible cause u are in charge wad". then patsy ong "bo way gong", and scolded Jan for also disrupting the class. and due to us going to SINGAPORE POLLY (SP), we dun have our last period which was history. was like damn disappointed, cause it was the highlight of the worst and most boring day of the week.
So after lunch went SINGAPORE POLY. was quite fun la. though it was a boring lecture, and the guy in the picture above spoke damn loud, it was fun. We also got lost in it, and walked all around the damn big place. the walls all LOOK THE SAME! well. i BO WAY GONG also. can't they paint another colour or sth?there somemore got a mac, pizza hut and restaurants! and the prices at the mac there was cheaper!
After the trip Jan and Siewping accompanied me to the talent quest as today was officially semi finals. i CAN"T SING. cause i got NO VOICE and i can't afford to fail again. especially in front of ppl who i dun really like. so i ran away.
anyway, THANKS to ALSON and JAN for this pics! =)
what we could have been, 9:40:00 PM.
Today was simply tiring!
Had D&T today. stuck pieces of wood together for drilling next week. sad thing is my wood warped. so bent abit can its harder to stick. but THANKS to Alson and Bernhard i got it man! Theory part of lesson was pretty boring and i only got bits and pieces of wad mr lee was saying.
Had history after recess. in came a new trainee teacher. but still, i LOVE history. sadly only got 4 periods a week. "sian ji pua".. =P i think i like history is because Mr Malcom Tan is a great teacher. but sadly he is gonna leave us to take his masters in history so he could teach in a university instead.
Had photo taking today after history! was quite fun. I sat down on first row sia! first time sit down de. i sat next to Delis [hooker] and Siewping[slut]. the names in the bracket actually are nicknames we gave each other. during the fun shot, everyone ran behind and nobody wanna seat with mdm chua. in the end Alson sacrificed, and he posed a "gun" at her head there. hahaas! the second fun shot also Alson sit next to Mdm chua, and i sat beside Alson. I feel sad for mdm chua, for who nobody wanna sit next to her. =X Maybe should copy Miss Koh's style mah. the class take fun shot then she stood aside looking a them. but i feel abit sad for Miss koh too. she like quite extra. Haiz. "zuo ren ke zhen nan".
Oh ya, now changed seating arrangement again and now im seating next to alson! YAYness! after that we had a darn lame assembly, where four ppl came to introduce to us A CAPELLA music. was DAMN lame. call us all to stand up and dance and Cherie stood up! woah. then nobody else wanted to stand up so the ppl just kinda gave up on us and continued. LOL! After that had lunch with Delis. but actually technically speaking Delis din eat, she just kept poking through her apple crumble she made in Home Econ and sae it taste like pineapple tart. went to IT lesson after that. was quite fun there, as the teacher let us go friendster to save our own pictures, so me and Delis went to see other websites. In the end i helped Delis abit in making her blog! =) YAY!!! and now delis also made an imeem account. and a shoutmix account. LOL!
After that went to help Miss Du paint pebbles for Speech day. imagine if the G.O.H got the gift and saw it were pebbles, i think they would dump it. but still, thinking we could escape choir abit more, Delis, Siewping and I went to help. Jan disappeared after she went to take her bag. i think she was kinda pissed cause we forgot to take her bag out for her. SORRY ah Jan! In choir, i didn't get into the group that was supposed to sing and dance for the tiong bahru concert. i felt relief and disappointment at the same time. but nevermind! at least i got more time for rest now. "i hope so"
Well. Its already 11.30 and i think i should sleep cause tmr is the SEMI FINALS of TALENT QUEST! everyone who read this, better sms me good luck okay!! hahas! kidding man. im not "BUAY BA". but i haven really prepare the song yet so im so dead. so i guess i gtg now. Nitez all! ^-^v
what we could have been, 11:07:00 PM.
I have made a video cause i was too boliao. Hope u enjoy it! oh ya, i wanted to upload to youtube but cannot. so i must thank imeem instead in the credits!
Hahas. its quite lame. well.. gt sch tmr. nitez all!! =)
what we could have been, 10:57:00 PM.
This were photos taken yesterday during science cause we went toilet after PE. Enjoy!

We were all tired out after the 2.4 run.

lying on the wall!

We were crazy canwhores.

See we are sleeping on the wall again.

Siew ping, me and Jan. LOL! too tired to face camera.
Yes. I got into the semi finals of talent quest. Any song reccomendations? hahas. ohno. i dun wanna be so buay ba! =)
Today so suay, cause never do the maths, so kena scold like shit. haiz. i dun understand most of wad She is teaching in maths lesson can. then i scared later if i ask her then she will sae i never focus. wah lao. its not really our fault lorrs. in the classroom its so hot and at some angles were the fan's wind cannot get, we really get heated up and OF COURSE cannot concentrate la!
Today also had a damn funny assembly. Mr glenn tan dressed up like a nerd, and then mr kwok starts do dance some indian dance can! WAHAHAHAAS! but also darn lame at the same time. they sae wad the teachers also can be as *cool* as students and understand them. but. *PLEASE LA*
Oh. and i suay cause see the moron many time today lorrs. so DAMN SUAY! go everywhere in sch also see him, go lunch at MAC also see him!!
well. Today choir made me quite *du lan*. cause after the conductors leave the seniors wanna go through *flashdance* but mr yiong sae who wanna go can go first. Or those who is not interested. Then in the end many ppl just walk out like dat. and make him bloody pissed with us. then he shouted at us alot and slammed the dorr when he left. !! abit too much lorrs. then after that everyone started shouting to keep the choir in control. Not just the seniors, but ppl my age also shout. *NA BEI*
and today had the Pass out parade. was quite nice to watch the uniform groups march so smartly. Make me regret joining choir. choir kena PT, uniform groups also kena PT. then i must well join uniform group. then i can get promoted and little ppl will shout at me le.
haiz. tmr going to go siew ping house to try out songs for the st andrews competition. SEE! ain't i busy! haiz. then still got the NDP and the Tiong Bahru performance. Seriously, im very tired.
well. sorry ppl! sorry for making u read my rubbishy complaints and stupid comments! but well hey. leave a tag if possible! =P tata!
what we could have been, 11:24:00 PM.

what we could have been, 12:27:00 AM.