hahas. now got nth better to do. and REBEKAH CHUA is sitting beside me now, looking at this. so cannot "gossip".ahs. im so bored. and that mrs poon asked me to join the ndp thing. oh. nono. she didn't ask me. she FORCED me to do it, causing me to have to go tmr for extra practice. what the hell. but luckily siew ping and maybe jan also going.?
ah. only 3 days already. my dearest brother alson is coming back! and that boyuan too! think delis is happy? lol! miss alson lorrs. without him and his lameness i feel empty. and next week is choir camp already. so sianz. "interacting with sec ones" will never happen! will arrange time next week to go army market buy stuff for that with jan.
oh. and yesterday went to watch pirates of the carribean- at world's end with weekuan and his fren. the show was darn long can. i went in about 1.40 maybe? and then came out at 4 plus. so long and inside was darn cold. well. gtg now. bb all. =P
what we could have been, 5:33:00 PM.
except. well. but. these are the reasons why the above happiness simply vanished into thin puffs of wispy dusts.
~holiday homework.
~ choir camp [
with sec ones! they are so DEAD. nono. they won't get a chance to live at all. =P]~No money!
[to spend and to buy fone.]~NO JOB! [
Which leads no no money. which leads to no new fone. omg.]~Tuition
~and yet again. HOLIDAY HOMEWORK!!
lol. so sian. got tuition tmr at 10.30 sia. tired. today went swimming with rebekah. dats y tired. lol. today bernhard also very *hiong*. its because he dunno why got into some trouble. then he one punch give that guy. and his neck crooked to one side. COOL MAN. and then jan also got *dai ji*. haiya. so lazy to type. but overall is that girl ( MELISSA , Alvin's stead) she darn kaypoh. see her face so buay song i feel like giving her one tight slap. she kaypoh lorrs. it doesn't even concern her at ALL.
THANKS MDM JAMIE CHUA. she bought our class pizza today. so nice. but she is sick. anyway she still made the effort to come back and see parents. GET WELL SOON!well. anyone out there. HELP ME FIND A JOB! im desperate. lawls. i gtg. bb.
what we could have been, 8:49:00 PM.
Today went pretty well. i guess. actually, the performance was ok. except for the first half of "the start of something new", where i sang with ridhwan. i lost pretty much of my voice this morning, so couldn't really reach much high notes. so in the end when i was trying, hoping that strepsils could help me get my voice back, ridhwan also ate strepsils with me to! it was foul i tell u. i hate it. it was methol flavour, and on the package says medicine for sore throat. well. the package also said to consume one slowly every two to three hours. i didn't have the time, and my throat wasn't getting any better. so in the end, in less that 2 hours, me and ridhwan( who wanna accompany me) both ate 3 strepsils each. AH! the things i do for the concert. haiz.

can see clearly i was shocked. for the first half of the song my mike, the one i holding has no sound coming out from it. lol. so pai seh. then after that i sang Wo Ke Yi with siew ping and was pretty pai seh too. i guess thing dun turn out right foir me. maybe im cursed?? im letting so many people down. well. haiz.

and today had choir. ah. met a girl that was creepy. her name is Yu Lin. the minute she open her mouth its like a machine gun firing like crazy. and she has absolutely no manners la. please. she saw my birthday present. oh ya. THANKS JIN HAN, BO YUAN, Alson, AND ZHEN YU for my birthday present! that Yu Lin literally snatched the turtle away from me la. i was showing someone else lorrs. so bweh barrs.. grr.. then she snatched my handphone too. i feel like slapping her. haiz. i just COULDN'T do it. somehow i wasn't afraid, but i was thinking, but didn't feel like slapping her. but she got scolding from my frens. THANKS CHOIR MATES! i wanna thank Amy and Shu Shan for helping me get my turtle back, and Ting yee, Jan, Xiu Hong and many many more who scolded her like shit. hahas. guess she got it coming for her. lol.
well. i gtg sleep now. maybe tmr i going out with rebekah or wee kuan? maybe both? yep? well. good nite! =D
what we could have been, 11:27:00 PM.
replies of taggies
TO: everyone! HELLO! THANKS
haas. yesterday was my bdae! hahas. we ( alson, boyuan, bernhard, ryan, kian sing, christmin, rebekah and me!) went to celebrate my bdae! we went SENTOSA! well. the bottom are photos for the yesterdae's thing. and tmr im gonna perform for the lunch time concert! haas. i gonna sing"start of something new" with ridhwan and "wo ke yi" with siew ping! haas. hope everything turns out well tmr! gonna go sleep now. byee!

what we could have been, 10:11:00 PM.
today was quite boring. the only thing was i made my mother spend $122 at mix and match at people's park to buy me beads and stuff. just finished talking to peter, he ah, got nth better to do mah. today also went to the library with Rebekah, and bought bo yuan's birthday present. hahas. so late lo. then i just realised i lost my donut. i bought a sugar donut just now, but was too full to eat it. and now i forgot where i put it haiz. nvm. i gonna sleep soon. bb! =P
what we could have been, 1:40:00 AM.
Well. im happy cause tmr is the last day of exams! YAY! and tmr is bo yuan's birthday! so HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOYUAN! =D
ah. today went to play bowling at the civil service club. the aunty damn funny. she asked us why we come here. then i was like.. dotts la. we go there of course play bowling mah. if not see her face meh?? lols! ok. the people who went bowling are: Bo Yuan, Bernhard, Jephthah, Royston, Chunhei, kian sing and me! =P i was like darn lousy canns? so saded. i out of two games then get ONE strike. lols! then after playing one round bo yuan and bernhard had to go work le. and bernhard go pull kian sing with him. so ya. after they left, we played another game. THANKS ROYSTON! he payed for my second game as im broke le. lols. well. we went to eat at the Lavender food court after that. then i bid them farewell at the bud stop and now im home! well. gotta go! gonna go library to borrow some books! im so hardworking^-^v
what we could have been, 2:45:00 PM.
Lols. Todays chinese paper was boring! spell that. B-O-R-I-N-G! Well. im simply to bored. so i copied this from the friendster's bulletin board. Jaspreet put this up.except im putting my name on top. lols. See if this works and if ur name really fits u.
L: best smile
Y: Is a freak when it comes to parties
N: One of the best damn bf/gf anyone could ask for
G: Never let people tell you what to do.
The Alphabets and Meanings!
A: Loves to flirt but in a way of joking
B:Popular with all types of people.
C: weird
D: Has one of the best personalities ever
E: Freaking beautiful
F: People wild and crazy adore you.
G: Never let people tell you what to do.
H: Easy to fall in love with
J: Freaking Rowdy
K: Really silly.
L: best smile
M: Makes dating fun
N: One of the best damn bf/gf anyone could ask for
O: Loved by everyone
P: Popular with all types of people.
Q: A hypocrite.
R: Good Gf/BfS: the best person anyone could have
T: great kisser
U: Gets hugs
V: Not judgmental
W: Very broad minded.
X: Never let people tell you what to do.
Y: Is a freak when it comes to parties
Z: Lives life for fun
Okies. Just had tuition for maths, so now my brain is a little *fugly?* lols. shit. can't type properly any more. well.. gonna go rest. tata!
what we could have been, 5:33:00 PM.
Yesterday went to sentosa to play. ~WEES~ BUT. i soaked my fone in water. FREAK! so now have to use nokia 3250 and wait for the sony ericsson one to DRY. so sad. got little songs dere.. hees. the below pictures are the ones from jan's house dat day. and also i took some from alson's blog from yesterday's sentosa trip.

the merlion
what we could have been, 3:01:00 PM.