Reply of tags:
Rebekah: I put at my friendster long long ago.
Siew Ping: Linked!
If i die. will anyone care for me?
Will anyone believe if i said i attempted suicide? i dunno. that was what rathi said what i did anyway. I did not even bleed. only skin drop out wad. and rathi say this is a police case. haiz. then i must well cut until bleed.
EXAM IS COMING! ARHS! EXAMS! i think i will fail my maths again. perhaps more. ARHS! i cannot believe exams is just next monday! haiz. and furthermore i have a MESSED UP love life. No. i have NO LIFE. ah. i wanna go shopping!
Really. if i die. will anyone care? why can't i find the right person? why is my love life in such a mess? why i haven study for the upcoming exams? i cried far too much for anything. i must wake up!
what we could have been, 2:48:00 PM.
Im simply disappointed with the choir results lor. even though we maintained a silver and didn't drop, i still felt that we had put in alot of effort and deserved more. but still. CONGRATS to our choir. =)
I dunno wad to sae. but still... TEN more days to mid year. OMG.. i haven start to study sia. !!! i dunno wad will happen to me?! haiz. but them mrs poon sae we shall have no more choir until 18 may... haiz. 18 may leh! just 2 days after my BDAY! and the worst thing is... MUST JOIN WITH SEC ONES!! ARHS! then the third week of june holidays may have choir camp.. hm.. maybe it will be nice.. =D cya all.
i dunno wad to do. i think i cannot get ouver him. then you must come along. i only treat u as a friend. don't u understand? im avoiding u becuz of this. i wanna break down...
what we could have been, 8:38:00 PM.
Replies of taggies
Rebekah: Of Course =)
Pei Si: HI dan gao =0
Bo Yuan: Can u simply stop it? =x
Must be surprising. i blogged 3 days in a row! haas. cause i AM GOING TO DIE because i cannot save my project on my THUMBDRIVE! im so dead. imagine i worked so hard on ASEAN for the class rug thing and I CANNOT SAVE IT! what is this! im so DEAD. DEADED!!
So i asked my WHOLE contact list on msn, those who were online. Rebecca said she could help me save on a blank disk. but jamie chua laptop i dunno can put cd anots. so i am currently on the FONE with LEE KIAN SING and currently trying my BEST to beg! GROVEL! Im DEAD!! i seriously think kian sing won't help me. ARH! WELL. i shall stop listening to kian sing kao pehing about how he injured and he cannot play badminton. and he has to play with his left hand tmr and will lose ridhwan.
oh no. nada nada.
what we could have been, 10:29:00 PM.
Replies of taggies:
Tze Hoe : okies. =)
BoYuan : Just WHAT are u trying to sae? =x
Guany Yong: Happy Birthday!
Harlos all!
Firstly, tmr is Guang Yong's Bday. so lets sing a bday song for him..
Haas. but i dun think i can give him a present anyways.. never mind. i shall send a friendly hugg here! =) Today i had tuition anyways. and was so crazy.. did many many maths. and my last month's phone bill overshot! oh no! i overshot my out going calls by 20 mins. so PEOPLE! CALL ME! i got free incoming u noe. DUN MAKE ME CALL U! haas. and i message so many le. how??! i yesterday sent 55 mesages to someone?! AH! SO CALL ME PEOPLE! CALL ME! hees^-^
well. i gtg eat dinner soon. can u believe it. it actually was my lunch. my parents just simple cook too much dats y. haas. it pasta anyways. i wanna go eat now. Bye all!! =D
do u think we have another chance at our relationship? u have already moved on. u mad the first step. and now when im trying to move on u come to me again. WHY? i heard a heart break. i hope its not mine. enough tears flowed over this already.
what we could have been, 7:15:00 PM.
Replies of taggies:
BoYuan: Ya la. see! i have updated! =p
Sylvia: yes sylvia. i have finally changed my url. =)
Meixuan: YO! u have finally found my blog. anyway i have linked u! =D
Min Hui: Pai seh arhs. i forgot to tell u. =X
Chuan Wah: Yes. ;)
Im Back! pai seh for the last week i have not been updating. everyday stay back for choir sectionals. =) stress la. i mean its only ONE more official practice to go and ONE more sectional. If u add them together its TWO more practices right? BUT. If during monday de sectiondal nobody come how?? so in the end its only ONE more! ONE MORE PRACTICE to go! OMG! i wanna die of stress. and wanna noe wads the worst thing that could ever happen to me? I HAVE NAPFA on the day BEFORE SYF. OMG! is heaven making fun of me?? im so gonna fail larhs. and then after SYF, we will wait for the results. And most probably cry our hearts out and then i will never be able to concentrate fully for my MID-Year Exams. what in the world! How can they plan the SINGAPORE YOUTH FESTIVAL (choral exams) 11 days before mid year??!!
haas. im mad. i cannot take the stress le lors. well. i nid to end here. Becuz i have to start doing my homework. Jamie is chasing me like mad for homework. so i must go do now. CYA everyone! =D
I seriously need a guy. im feeling so empty now. so envious of everyone else. everyday i see lovey couples everywhere. haiz. even bernhard has a girlfriend now. i shall wish them all the best! ~waiting for a guy to appear~
what we could have been, 4:23:00 PM.
Good Morning!
Yarhs, i noe i just updated in the afternoon, BUT, midnight has past! so now is Saturday everyone! And i noe i have choir later, so i HAVE to sleep soon. but first, lets just put some photos here!

Me and Sylvia

At her Home.
I just LOVE just now. Becuz, MIRACULOUSLY, my family went out to eat some seafood dinner. Then we went to SRC to Sing Karaoke! Surprising! And since Yesterday:April 6th, was my dad's birthday (but i forgot to include in my last post) and TODAY is my grandfather's birthday as well, i wan to sing them a song! =)
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy birthday to All Daddies
Happy Birthday to YOU!! =0
Anyways, i have to sleep soon. And OMG! i haven do my tuition homework! AIYA! troublesome! Good Morning all! i shall go catch some sleep before i have to go choir! =)
Why do u ask me to patch now? I dunno what to sae to u. Oh my gosh. im in a lost. Will someone tell me who to pick. will i go the right way? my relationship matters all sux..Reply of taggies
Rebekah: the singer is names Aslyn
BoYuan: Yoz handsome!
what we could have been, 12:31:00 AM.
Oh Hi Yo!
Yarhs, i noe its not morning anymore. Hees! but i only noe this (Pai seh).. lol
Anyway in this entry, i MUST talk about Rebekah. becuz she sae i never talk about her for so long le. HaAs! Pai seh larhs Rebekah. i was troubled over some things. i mean, i still am troubled over these things. And the worst is, i feel that i am losing my voice. OH NO. we have a VCH (Victoria Concert Hall) FULL DRESS rehearsal and i am LOSING MY VOICE!! AARRHHS!
But, its not like anyone will care. So many people in choir also heck care. I am really going hopeless!! and if i really give up on working hard for the good medals, i will feel dat losing my voice is better. NO ONE WILL CARE. THEN I ALSO NO NEED TO CARE FOR CHOIR ANYMORE. BUT NOW I STILL CARE! I CARE ALOT, ESPECIALLY FOR ALTOS! ALTO 2 ONLY GOT 5 PEOPLE INCLUDING ME. TINGYEE ALSO DUN CARE SO MUCH LE. HOW! ALTO 1 IS ALSO WEAK!
But, i tell myself, relax. Choir is not the only thing. I mean, Mid Year is on 30th April, only 11 days after SYF. But AM I EVEN CARING ABOUT MID YEAR? I HECK CARE ABOUT MID YEAR!
i wanna walk in the rain. i wanna forget all my worries. Will someone help me. Will someone rescue me from my distress. But i noe. Nobody will care about me.
what we could have been, 2:18:00 PM.
tmr still got maths test! haiz.. and choir now very stress.. i dunno whether we can do syf anot. perhaps i may get my first white hair because i stress over this! HAA! =) but i wish i will NEVER have white hair for as long as maybe till poly?.. But, my message to everyone. STAY HAPPY and CHEERFUL! =D And OMG~ i haven do my homework! ~ i spent my nite looking for information at poly websites for the course i wanna go. IMGAGINE. for Singapore Poly the cut off point is:
-EL : Grade 1-4
-Maths : Grade 1-6
-Other 3 subjects excluding CCA : Grade 1-6.
And to be eligible, an applicant must have also sat for one of the following subjects.
-Combined Humanities
-Commerce/Commercial studies
-Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil
-Principal Of Accounts
The above are the things needed is anyone is interested to study MEDIA AND COMUNICATIONS.
Well, i nid to go sleep soon. NITEZ ALL!
Tears fell today. Just because i was damn disappointed about peoples attitutes. BUT, they have changed for the better. I look forward to tmr and hope we walk towards success!
what we could have been, 11:04:00 PM.
Haiz. life is like damn sianz. have practical for home econ tmr lehs.. so now muz chiong the coursework. IM SO SORRY ALSON! i didn't mean to lose the coursework booklet.anyways, tmr also have to saty back for sectional for choir, because mrs rathi said so. its good to see so many of us now trying to put in alot of effort to do things together to achieve a GOLD in SYF. i really hope we can achieve a GOLD. once, someone said this very meaningful sentence. "I'd rather aim for a gold and get C.O.P then to aim a silver". I strongly agree to this, as our current medal is silver. Our songs now can either get us a gold or bronze. if we aim for gold and get a bronze, i mean come on, we die trying. what if we aim for a silver and get worse than that? i mean, we will lose more face sia. Haiz. well, i gotta go do my home econ. GOOD LUCK FOR ALL CHOIR MEMBERS FOR APRIL 9th!
what we could have been, 4:06:00 PM.