Yesterday was like damn fun larhs. i was at sylvia house, then we took alot of videos. they can be seen on ALSON's blog! =)
AND today was like stress sia. during choir MRS RATHI came in! aiyo! could have felt the very
thick tension. then LiXiao kana scolded by miss koh. i mean wads wrong man! he didn't learn the song wad, so he sat aside larhs. and so he was feeling bored and he flipped a readers digest. SO WHAT?! is it becuz of this u must go and embarass people sia. then Li xiao SUAY lor. mrs rathi wan to talk to him. but after all... it was ok. he sae even mrs rathi smile when she was talking to him. So y must tis miss koh come and make people DU LAN with her lehs?
what we could have been, 9:21:00 PM.
lets see, its 40 mins till tmr. haas. im so crazy. later tmr cannot wake up. anyways, i die also must post this. this is a photo of boyuan. i noe i posted this before, but this is brighter. becuz it is PHOTOSHOPPED by ALSON! haas. =)

ain't he cute? haas. anyways, i HAVE DONE SOME HOMEWORK! lols. ain't it a miracle?? i done english, zuo wen, and home econ. YAYS! I DONE HOMEWORK! but i haven do jamie chua derhs. HOW SIA? i just dun feel like doing. then i kana scold by my mummy. haiz. anyways, i shall go sleep now! HAHAHA!
i discovered something today. something that i did not expect this person would do. i am so shocked. should i hate this person? he is such a liar. how could i have trusted him so much?i am so sad after knowing this.
what we could have been, 11:16:00 PM.
IM SO BORED TODAY MAN! becuz skool holidays are going to be over and i HAVEN do ANY work. so this post will be just purely pictures and pictures! HAAS! ENJOY!

WELL, i really need to go do my work now. BYEEES!
i really dunno why my friend is behaving this way. i pity the guy so much. do u noe, i really wan u to be happy.
what we could have been, 12:10:00 PM.
Im simply too bored. Haiz.yesterday was damn sianz and kana scolded by dat jasmin lo.damn angry at her. even though it was partially our fault for looking, but then she scream so much at christmin for was sia. christmin even said sorry to her lehs. then go out of the room dat time christmin was on the brim of tears. then siew ping quite kan chiong, and ask y christmin whole eye red colour. omg. we just looked at the thailand consent forms just to see if our percentage of going will be high.then siew ping sae jasmin stood at the back and looked at us for a moment then screamed at us. lol. she very wierd lo. then she screamed sae dat y how can we touch her things. would we like it if she touched our things. i was dere smiling,(am chio) then she scold me, say i should noe better than to read it with her. wad if those were common test papers. alamak. please la. she put those papers in a see through plastic leh. lol sia. she thinks we have no common sense. forget it. luckily i had self control, if not i would have poured out my bag contents for her to see. hm. luckily. if she not besties with jamie, i would have. WATCH OUT JASMIN. fake star star! dun act nice and concerning with me.
what we could have been, 5:37:00 PM.
Haas! im just so boliao. today was so funny lo! during science period mr chung teach us about STD(Sexually transmitted diseases).AND GUESS WAD. siew ping asked wad is ORAL SEX. then i asked wad is PETTING. then he like so pai seh like dat. then he keep asking us to keep quiet by shushing us.then today ray also got come. and she came with crutches. it was so fun la! siew ping use it to do like standing broad jump like dat.haas!i tried walking with the crutches. my umpits so pain lo.AIYO! wonder how can ray walk with dat.and today i think the best thing was that: NO MATHS LESSON!
anyways, today after school bernhard,christmin,royston and me went to eat pastamania and i was so happy that got student promo so i got to eat beef bolognese at around $4.haas. then we went to take neoprints.and after taking them, we forgot that must choose inside, so we waited outside. then we realised and christmin went inside and poked at two. then time was up. so sway! only got two shots. haiz.but today is still nice. and alson bday tomorrow. so
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALSON! LOVE YA BROTHER!<3anyways, sianz la. tmr got maths and got choir. haiz. haiz. but at least today i had a great time. and im changing my phone number. im going to have a line! i shall have free incoming calls. CALL ME! =)
what we could have been, 5:50:00 PM.